Training Team Meeting Recap – 17 December 2024

Meeting Agenda:

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Log:

Attendees: @psykro @nazmul111 @shivashankerbhatta @dparthj @sonaliprajapati @dilip2615 @pooja-n @devmuhib @rraventos @rfluethi @dapobabarinde @multanisadik @saif2002 @satishprajapati @freewebmentor @rithika3 @vanpariyar (async) @sumitsingh (async) @nishitajoshi (async) @ironnysh (async) @west7 (async) @digitalchild (async) @jagirbahesh (async) @zeelthakkar (async) @noruzzaman (async) @narenin (async) @huzaifaalmesbah (async) @chauhanraj754 (async)



Meeting Note Takers

Here is our current note taker roster:

Note that this is the last meeting for this year, and we will meet again on Jan 7.
Thank you to @rithika3 for taking notes for this week’s meeting.

Looking for feedback

Looking for volunteers

  • The Tutorial → Lessons migrationMigration Moving the code, database and media files for a website site from one server to another. Most typically done when changing hosting companies. is almost complete and we need some volunteers to finish it u If anyone can help with migrating tutorials to lessons, please comment on that thread.
  • Thumbnails for Learn – Help us make the final 70.
    There are 70 pieces of content on that still need thumbnails. Thank you to everyone who has helped so far. If anyone else as time to help create the final thumbnails, all the details are in that post. 
  • The Training Team is working towards updating the welcome modal in the blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. editor to include a link to Learn material. Discussions are happening in this GitHub thread. If you can help, please comment there.

Updates from last week’s Triage Squad session

  • As there was no one available to host the meeting last week, the triage-squad session has been moved to this Thursday at 07:00 UTC in the #meta-learn channel. This will be the last triage-squad session of 2024. It has also been suggested that triage-squad sessions move from bi-weekly for half an hour to once a month for one hour. I’d like to propose we kick this off in January, and have triage-squad sessions on the 4th Thursday of every month, for one hour.

Come and Contribute

Content ready for review

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

  • See Vetting Topic Ideas for step-by-step guidance on vetting topic ideas.
  • We have 2 issues that require vetting

Good first issues for developers

  • See Developing Learn WordPress for instructions on contributing to the Learn WordPress code.
  • We do not have any issues requiring development

Validated feedback awaiting fix

Contribution Acknowledgement

  • Let’s give props! Do you have someone from the team you want to celebrate? 

Project updates

  1. The third Learn WordPress Course Cohort: The cohort had it’s final call on Wednesday 11 December, 2024. I will be publishing the results of the feedback survey on on Monday, 23 December 2024
  2. Intermediate Plugin Developer course: content update:
  3. Content Maintenance Process Update Phase 1
  4. Proposal: Segmenting Learning Pathway courses for better engagement

If anyone has any other updates for the above projects, please comment in a thread on the relevant message above. If there are any other project updates, please leave them in the comments on this thread.

Upcoming Online Workshops

Contributor Updates

Contributors, please leave any individual updates you’d like to share with the team in a :thread: on the relevant message:

  • What have you been working on and how has it been going?
  • Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting?
  • Do you have any blockers?
  • Can other contributor or Training Team members help you in some way?

Open Discussions

  • If you have topics you’d like discussed in the meeting, please feel free to share them with us now.
  • I’d like to note that the we are planning two Training Team 2025 Goals Setting sessions for early 2025. You can read more about this process in the post on the Training Team blog

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.


#training, #training-team