Learn WordPress site remake: First two months

It’s been two months since Learn.WordPress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/ launched on August 1, at approx. 22:00 UTC. This post compiles some information on how the site performed during August and September 2024.

Course completion rate

August 2024

Beginner WordPress User – 22.57% (1847 enrollments)
Intermediate WordPress User – 18.42% (267 enrollments)
Beginner WordPress Developer – 12.17% (1289 enrollments)
Intermediate Theme Developer – 11.19% (297 enrollments)

Average course completion rate – 16.09%

September 2024

Beginner WordPress User – 23.43% (1399 enrollments)
Intermediate WordPress User – 22.39% (211 enrollments)
Beginner WordPress Developer – 13.09% (1052 enrollments)
Intermediate Theme Developer – 15.12% (239 enrollments)

Average course completion rate – 18.51%

Please note that in most Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), including Coursera, the average completion rate is typically low, ranging from 3% to 6%, with variation depending on course difficulty, engagement, and whether students paid for the certification.

Video retention rate

The video retention rate for Learning Pathway courses was 59.3% in September compared to 57% in August.

Learner satisfaction

After a learner finished each course, they are prompted to complete a satisfaction survey. One of the survey questions is: “How useful did you find this course/Learning Pathway?” Below is the learner satisfaction rating for Learning Pathway courses in August and September:

August 2024

Beginner WordPress Developer: 93.33% (6 responses)
Beginner WordPress User: 91.20% (75 responses)
Intermediate Theme Developer: 88.00% (5 responses)
Intermediate WordPress User: 85.33% (15 responses)

Average rating: 90.30%

September 2024

Beginner WordPress Developer: 100% (8 responses)
Beginner WordPress User: 92.96 (71 responses)
Intermediate Theme Developer: 90.00% (6 responses)
Intermediate WordPress User: 87.69% (13 responses)

Average rating: 92.65%

Note that some of these figures don’t represent a full month, if the course was published mid-way through a month.

The feedback survey also includes open-ended questions on how the course could be improved, and asking what learners got out of the course. Suggestions for improvements range from adding more quizzes and offering courses in more languages, to adding interactive projects and slowing down the demos.

Here’s a sampling of comments from learners about what they got out of the course:

Beginner WP User

“This course is a must-watch for anyone looking to truly understand the world of WordPress. It provided me with clear, actionable insights and practical skills that have significantly enhanced my ability to navigate and utilize WordPress effectively.”

Intermediate Theme Developer

“While I’ve built custom themes with WordPress for over 15 years, I’m fairly new to blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. themes. This course was a great overview that also gave links for more reading. It’s making learning much more fun, thorough, and structured, and I hope it is creating good standard habits for all of us as we build block themes well into the future.”

Intermediate WP User

“It is a very good course. Every lesson and video are going through each aspect of WordPress, and they help to learn each topic through very helpful examples.”

Beginner WP Developer

“Jonathan and Learn team! Thank you for making this course. It is useful for a beginner as well as someone who may have learned these concepts from various places in bits and pieces, but would like to do a nicely linked refresher! The course covers all the key concepts beautifully and helps the learner with some good foundational knowledge!”

Thank you to @psykro and @west7 for their contributions to this post.