Training Team Meeting Recap – 25th January 2024

This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)

Introductions and Welcome

There were 14 attendees: @courtneypk, @cnormandigital, @bsanevans, @lada7042, @sierratr, @askdesign (async), @devmuhib (async), @webtechpooja (async), @psykro (async), @jhimross (async), @quitevisible (async), @margheweb (async), @ironnysh (async), @melbos (async)

We’ve had some new people join the channel recently.
@mohdumar1654, @zahidbenu, @cparkinson, @gajendrasingh, @priyanshii5@aanchals09,  @sunilkumarthz,  @umairashraf1986, @monusing, @rcreators, @blvtomoya, @blvtomoya, @anumit, @feedmymedia, @mzaidi604, @manukk, @keerthikavya

Welcome! Please post in the #training channel or reach out to a team member to help you with contributing. Resources to check out our onboarding program, and our Guide Program.


Meeting Note Takers

February 1 – @aanchals09
February 8 – need volunteer
February 15 – need volunteer
February 22- need volunteer

  • We’re looking for volunteers to take notes each week through the rest of November. Would anyone like to volunteer for the team? Please post in the #training channel

Looking for feedback

Looking for volunteers

  • Call for Hosts!! Who would like to facilitate an Online Workshop this year? Reach out to a team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts..
  • Call for Mentors and Mentees for the project-wide Mentorship program – until February 7
  • Request for Faculty reviewers to look at and audit the HandbookGitHub link for faculty 

Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session

Attendees: @psykro@digitalchild@devmuhib009, and @hellosatya

Next week, @digitalchild is keen to host the dev squad session, and @psykro committed to getting the draft dev squad guidelines ready for that.

If you’re interested in participating, come visit the #meta-learn Slack channel at 7:00 UTC. You’ll find the time shown in your local timezone on the Training Team’s meeting calendar.

Other News

Come and Contribute

Content ready for review

  1. Discussion in the thread about the review process. @sierratr question- After completing the third review if you are a faculty member can you move the issue to Preparing to Publish? Comments: @bsanevans– “If you are a Faculty member go right ahead” @psykro – ” I would welcome anyone who moves an item into the preparing to publish.”
  2. @sierratr question- How do we handle reviews that are submitted with the review checklist? Comments: @bsanevans – Suggested pinging the person to encourage the reviewer to use the checklist and re-submit.

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

Good first issues for developers

Validated feedback awaiting fix

Project Updates

  • Learning pathways
    We have some first draft redesign edits and thumbnails up for review, and will connect with Design   re: next steps next week:
  • 2024 goal planning sessions. Just another friendly reminder to add your comments. What are some goals for the training team?

Faculty Updates

Asked faculty to check in and answer the following questions.

  • What have you been working on and how has it been going?
  • Anything you’ve accomplished since the last meeting?
  • Do you have any blockers?
  • Can other Faculty or Training Team members help you in some way?

Open Discussions

  • @devmuhib question- Someone has translated several pieces of content, all of which seem to be directly copied and pasted from Google Translate. I have personally reviewed this content and can confirm that the translations are not good in quality and, at times, not readable. Despite multiple requests to modify the content and maintain a certain standard, the issues persist, and the content remains unreadable. What is the appropriate course of action for such translations? @bsanevans had a few suggestions
    • Raise some specific items in the translation
    • If in the same timezone, work on a translation together.

If there are any other suggestions please add to this thread. Translation Discussion

  • @jonathanbossenger brought up- our use of InstaWP to be discussed by the team.
    • @psykro and @bsanevans have added comments on the issue in GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner.
  • @bsanevans brought up- Faculty members are added to the Learn Content Triage team on GitHub. This gives them access to triage issues, change statuses, and most importantly, check-off boxes automatically added by automation. (More info about this group in this handbook page.)
    • What do folks think about extending this permission to vetted content creators, too? 
      • @bsanevans gave more context in the thread.
      • We could offer this access to folks who, for example, meet all these criteria:
      • Is a vetted Tutorial presenter or Online Workshop facilitator
      • Has created 3 or more pieces of content
      • Has requested to be added to the GitHub triage group
      • So, it wouldn’t be something we give automatically, but something we could provide upon request, once there’s a track record of contribution.

@courtneypk, @gusaus, @psykro, @lada7042 supported this idea.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

#contributor-days, #learn-wordpress, #meeting-recap, #training-team