This meeting followed You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)
For those newly joining us, the WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments via
We have a few ways for you to get involved:
Introductions and Welcome
There were 16 attendees: @webtechpooja, @sumitsingh(async), @sierratr (async),@yuli-yang(async) ,@psykro, @digitalchild, @piyopiyofox, @west7(async),, @sancastiza, @huzaifaalmesbah, @vanpariyar, @lada7042(async), @properlypurple, @eboxnet, @quitevisible, @bsanevans.
We’ve had several new people join the channel recently. Let’s get introduced to 6 new people here:
@shoto100 @Ben Usher Smith @Vimal Roy @Zisis Folias @Erika Orlando @Anish
Welcome to Training. What is your interest in Learn/Training, and what do you enjoy outside of WordPress?
The best way to contribute to the training team is by writing meeting notes. Here’s the guide that you can take help from.
Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes on this handbook page.
- November 7th – @Sancastiza
- November 14th – @devmuhib
- November 21st – need volunteer
- November 28th – need volunteer
Thank you for volunteering to take today’s notes, Sancastiza 👏.
- We’re looking for volunteers to take notes each week through the rest of November. Would anyone like to volunteer for the team?
- Also, once you’ve written 3 meeting recap notes, you’re eligible to apply for the Training Contributor Badge that will be displayed on your profile! If you haven’t received the badge yet, then this is a great way to show your contributions to the world.
Looking for feedback
Nomination is open until November 14th – one more week. We have three people nominated so far. If there’s anyone else you think would be a great fit for the team rep role next year, please add your nominations. (Self nominations are also welcome )
- Creating/editing content in preparation for the WordPress 6.4 release
We’re looking for content creators to help us work through making this list of content related to the upcoming 6.4 version release of WordPress. Our handbook will direct you on how to get started – Creating a Tutorial and Lesson Plans.
Looking for volunteers
- Would you like to co-host the weekly dev-squad GitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. triage sessions?
@psykro is currently doing an excellent job hosting weekly GitHub triage sessions. However, since he is the sole organizer of these 30-minute sessions at the moment, they don’t take place when @psykro is absent. We are seeking volunteers to co-host these sessions alongside @psykro Please leave a comment if you’re interested.
He also said: ¨ One thing that also needs to be done is documenting the process, so if there are any volunteers who are prepared to help with that as well¨ and thank you @properlypurple for your contribution. @psykro will connect with you this week.
Updates from last week’s dev-squad triage session
There was no dev-squad triage this week.
Other News
N/ A
Open requests for review
We have just one English Tutorial open for review right now:
For Translated content, we’re looking for Indonesian, Khmer, and German translation reviewers. (Link to content needing a Translation Reviewer.)
Project Updates
The handbook has been updated to reflect the new contributor ladder discussed in the post above. Check out the updated handbook page here – Our Contributor Ladder.
Time estimations have been calculated to see how long this project will take to complete. The project is in need of content creators to build our the learning paths. Please comment in this thread if you’re interested in getting involved, and a @faculty-content-creators will help you figure out where to get started.
Open Discussions
@webtechpooja will be AFK for next week Nov 10 to Nov 14. She is celebrating Diwali – Festival of light.