This meeting followed You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)
For those newly joining us, the WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments via
We have a few ways for you to get involved:
Introductions and Welcome
There were 28 attendees: @webtechpooja, @jominney, @sumitsingh, @sierratr (async), @courtneypk (async), @yuli-yang,@psykro, @nayanchamp7, @digitalchild, @piyopiyofox, @jominney, @jdy68, @onealtr (async), @west7(async), @devmuhib, @benjirahmed, @sancastiza, @huzaifaalmesbah, @vanpariyar, @lada7042, @quitevisible, @karthickmurugan, @amitpatelmd, @tantienhime(async), @weblink, @eboxnet, @chetan200891, @devmuhib.
We’ve had several new people join the channel recently. Let’s get introduced to 3 new people here:
@Stephen Dumba @Kaisma @Claudio Nhanga
Welcome to Training. What is your interest in Learn/Training, and what do you enjoy outside of WordPress?
The best way to contribute to the training team is by writing meeting notes. Here’s the guide that you can take help from.
Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes on this handbook page.
Thank you for taking notes this week @sancastiza.
Looking for feedback
Other News
- Discussion: Defining Active and Engaged Faculty @Courtney P.K. asked how can we better define “activity” and “engagement” for Faculty members in the Faculty program? Please bring your thoughts to this discussion.
- We’ve published a couple of update posts to the wider Make Teams and our Learn community here:
Open requests for review
WordPress 6.4 is due to be released on November 7th, which is just a month and a few days away
We have priority issues that need updating open in GitHub that are labeled 6.4. We’d like to ask for Training Team members and @faculty-content-creators to prioritize working on some of this content.
The Training Team established a Contributor Hour framework this week and @Courtney P.K. @Courtney are examining how they can put some on in order to aid with these efforts.
@piyopiyofox is also encouraged to help by hosting a Contributor Hour, bandwidth permitting.
@courtneypk said : She noticed that the section ‘For Faculty – How to host a Contributor Hour’ is awaiting an update… It’d be great to have those guidelines to help us along! Will we be seeing an update to this soon?
See our Guidelines for reviewing content to review the following content.
- Tutorials
- Lesson Plans
- Translated Content
Project Updates
@west7 said : The outlines were published yesterday:
We also have an update on the Guide Program : Update: At the beginning of September
In early September, 11 new Training Team contributors were each paired with one of 5 Guides who generously dedicated their time and expertise to assist them in their contribution journey. Given that the program is expected to last for 3 weeks, the initial participants should have already completed it. We trust that these participants have gained a comprehensive understanding of the Training Team and are now empowered to make their initial contributions.
And thank you @benjirahmed shared your first contribution : He was the meeting note taker on September 26th and will try to do it once a month. He also learned how to translate and review content. He will stick to the training team and attend the meeting for future contributions. He expressed gratitude to his mentor, @sumitsingh, and all the mentors.
And also let’s congratulate @tinacollier on her contribution experience 👍
- She was introduced to the program while attending WordCampUS in National Harbor, MD this year.@courtneypk helped onboard her, and she was placed under @mhanes wonderful mentorship. After some time spent getting to understand the contributors roles, she began contributing as an editor a couple of weeks ago. While reviewing tutorials, she continues to attend virtual Meetups and consume published tutorials in Learn.WordPress. She appreciates the support of the community in their cohort and looks forward to being a more active contributor in the future
- @Jonathan shared he had the pleasure of guiding @marcio-zebedeu, @mebo, and @lordzibbar, who are all interested in contributing to Learn content such as Tutorials and Lesson Plans. @marcio-zebedeu and @lordzibbar have started their journey by reviewing content, and Melita is working on some lesson plan topic ideas that she will be posting soon.
Open Discussions
Last Friday, Sep 29, was Mid-Autumn Festival, which is celebrated in Chinese culture @piyopiyofox loved seeing pictures of mooncakes online.