This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at account, you can set one up.)
Introductions and Welcome
There were 30 attendees: @sumitsingh, @iamasadpolash, @jhimross, @eboxnet, @chaion07, @nayanchamp7, @vishitshah, @amitpatelmd, @webtechpooja, @shiponkarmakar, @piyopiyofox, @pitamdey, @digitalchild, @iammehedi1, @vanpariyar, @psykro, @jominney, @onealtr, @karthickmurugan, @lada7042 (async), @quitevisible (async), @webcommsat (async), @sierratr (async), @arasae (async), @itsjustdj (async), @courtneypk (async), @west7 (async), @nahidsharifkomol (async), @courane01 (async), @bsanevans (async)
We’ve had several new people join the channel recently. Let’s get introduced to 8 new people here:
@D.J, @kensuke, @Harsh Gajipara, @Bello Habeeb,@leomofthings, @Artem Kondranin, @shivashankerbhatta, @Zunaid Amin
Welcome to Training. What is your interest in Learn/Training, and what do you enjoy outside of WordPress?
The best way to contribute to the training team is by writing meeting notes. Here’s the guide that you can take help from.
Meeting recap notes are one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team, and you can find details on how to write notes on this handbook page.
Looking for feedback
Let’s elevate Team Values again
- At the July 18 Weekly Global Meeting, we discussed DEIB(Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) Team value (This slack link will take you away from this meeting flow.)
- Collaborative: We foster trust and cooperation through mentorship and respect. This is a supportive place that encourages reliability and motivation.
Looking for volunteers
Other News
WordPress 6.3 will be released on August 8 (today) at 19:00 UTC and there will be release party in #core channel.
Table Lead: Destiny Kanno (@Destiny), Laura Adamonis (@Laura A)
Zoom Coordinator: Courtney P.K (@Courtney P.K.), Amit Patel ( @Amit Patel)
Slack Monitor: TBD (If you are interested, please let us know.)
- WCUS Contributor Day: Tutorials Workshop (In-Person & Remote) – @Sarah (She/Her) will be hosting live Tutorial Workshops, if you are attending in-person. DO join the Training team table at WCUS. Thanks Sarah for hosting.
- Concerns over the European Union’s Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) Context: As the world’s most popular open source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. content management system, WordPress acknowledges the European Union’s initiative to bolster the cybersecurity of digital hardware and software products with the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). The Act’s effort to counter the increasing threat of cyberattacks and promote informed usage of digital products with increased security updates and transparency is commendable.
Badges awarded in July
Last month, @Amit Patel, @westnz, @sarah were awarded the Training Contributor badge. Thank you for your consistent contributions to the team.
See our Guidelines for reviewing content to review the following content.
Lesson Plans
Translated Content
Project Updates
@quitevisible: I will be drafting a post this week. Planning to have it ready for submission to faculty by end of this week. I’ll be reaching out to @Courtney and @Jo Minney beforehand to make sure I’m not overlapping with sections they may be covering.
@destiny: I’m looking now. I think we have recommendations for how to record written somewhere. Folks can follow this Creating your Tutorial handbook page.
Open Discussion
@Pooja Derashri shared some useful things about the Training team and its communication channel.
Other ways to Contribute:
You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.
#meeting-recap, #training, #training-notifications, #training-team