Introducing the Training Team Guide Program!

I am happy to announce the launch of the Training Team’s New Contributor Guide Program! As WordPress and the Training Team are always evolving, it is important to foster a collaborative environment for new contributors to learn and grow alongside seasoned contributors. With this in mind, a program was proposed that matches newcomers to the Training Team with experienced teammates, ensuring their WordPress contribution journey is both fruitful and fulfilling.

Program overview

The Guide Program ensures that new contributors have the resources to make meaningful contributions. It covers essential aspects of contributing to the Training Team, with topics ranging from understanding the team’s coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. values and principles, to picking up tasks, submitting contributions, and engaging in discussions with the community. This all takes place over a series of at least 3 check-ins, and ongoing asynchronous communication between the Guide and Contributor. You can read more details about the program in the new Guide Program handbook page!

How to participate in the Guide Program

New Contributors

Every new contributor brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to the team. The goal of the Guide Program is to harness this diversity and empower folks to make meaningful contributions and shape the future of WordPress learning.

If you are a new contributor to the Training Team and are interested in being paired with a Guide, please fill out the interest form below:

To be considered for the initial cohort, please complete this form by August 31, 2023.

Experienced Contributors

Guides play a pivotal role in this program, bringing their expertise and experience to guide and support New Contributors. They serve as pillars of knowledge by offering insights into the inner workings of the WordPress project, sharing best practices, and facilitating connections with relevant teams and resources. By fostering a mentor-mentee relationship, a collaborative environment where the exchange of ideas and knowledge is at the center. You can review the handbook page for guides for more details.

If you an experienced Training Team contributor* and are interested in becoming a Guide for new contributors, please complete this application form:

*Experienced Training Team contributors have earned a Training Contributor Badge and have been contributing to the team for at least 6 months.

To be considered for the initial cohort, please complete this form by August 31, 2023.

Timeline for program launch

August 2Interest forms and applications open
Aug 3–31Submissions reviewed weekly
Aug 31Applications close for first cohorts
By September 1Guides are assigned to New Contributors
Week of Sept 4First cohorts/check-ins begin
Week of Sept 25First cohorts/check-ins conclude, post-program surveys sent out
October 13Publish recap and next steps

Share your thoughts

Have any questions, suggestions, and/or feedback about the Training Team Guide Program? Please feel free to post a comment below, or share your thoughts in the #training channel in Slack at any time.
