Learn WordPress Site Updates – December 2022

There have been a number of updates to the Learn WordPress site over the last month or two, so I thought it worth highlighting them here to raise their visibility.

Lesson plan landing page

Lesson plans have a new landing page that makes it easier to find content by topic, audience, level, duration, and lesson format. This looks fantastic and really helps with content discovery:

The new landing page example, displaying the title, "Lesson Plans" with a button, "Browse all Lesson Plans". There is also a search box to search lesson plans. Below that, a subheading reads "Topic" follow by "Browse Lesson Plans by their high-level topic.

Next, there are icons for topics, including the following topics: General, extending WordPress, Plugin Development, Site Management, Speaking at Events, Theme Development, Using Plugins, and Using Themes.

Persistent banner linking to the individual learner survey

The individual learner survey has been live for a while and in order to get more eyes on it, a banner has been added to the site headerHeader The header of your site is typically the first thing people will experience. The masthead or header art located across the top of your page is part of the look and feel of your website. It can influence a visitor’s opinion about your content and you/ your organization’s brand. It may also look different on different screen sizes. that links directly to the survey:

Tutorial video length displayed on archive

The length of each tutorial video is now displayed beneath the video title in the tutorials archive:

Course learner data is displayed on the frontend

Average learner data for courses is displayed on the single course page – more metrics can be added to this as time goes on, but the basics are there for now:

Consistent header/intro sections for each content type

All of the content types – tutorials, online workshops, courses, and lesson plans – now each have an intro section with consistent formatting all across the site:

Anchor links to course categories

As you will notice in the courses page header above, there are now anchor links directly to each of the course categories on the page, making navigation easier and improving discoverability:

Greater clarity in idea submission section

The ‘submit an idea’ call-to-action section on the homepage has been updated with improved clarity and more accurate wording:

Homepage content sections include brief intro text

Each homepage section now includes a brief intro about the content type that indicates what it is all about – this helps with providing an immediate understanding of content to new users:

Consistent locale metadata across all content types

All content types now have the same metadata field for setting the locale – right now, this doesn’t have an immediate impact on the frontend (other than the existing manual language filtering being updated to use this new field), but the next step is to implement automatic content filtering based on the site locale switcher. Locale filtering will also be added to the online workshops calendar.

Consistent ‘Topic’ taxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. https://codex.wordpress.org/Taxonomies#Default_Taxonomies. across all content types

The ‘Topic’ taxonomy that tutorials use has been added to all content types, and similar taxonomies have been removed to accommodate this (with data being migrated accordingly). This doesn’t have an immediate frontend impact, but it will allow us to implement global topic filtering and matching across all content types.

Get involved

The Learn WordPress site is always in iteration, so if you would like to get involved, head over to the GitHub project board to see the open issues. The repo readme has instructions on how to work with the site in a local environment.