Training Team Meeting Recap for October 11, 2022

Slack Log for Team Meeting (Tuesday October 11, 21:30 GMT+5:30 (EMEA))

Slack Log for Office hour Meeting (Tuesday October 11 12:30 GMT+5:30 (APAC))

(Requires SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account.)

The meeting agenda.

Introductions and Welcome

In attendance (Team Meeting, including async): @courane01, @webtechpooja, @robinwpdeveloper, @sagarladani, @n8finch, @piermario, @amitpatelmd, @onealtr, @vanpariyar, @piyushmultidots, @bsanevans

In attendance (Office Hour Meeting): @webtechpooja, @amitpatelmd, @pitamdey, @psykro, @piyushmultidots, @robinwpdeveloper, @vanpariyar, @sagarladani, @chaion07, @onealtr, @eboxnet

Newcomers joining #training team: @sagarladani, @cpal, @alh0319, @josvelasco, @sapayth, @fike, @melissa, @kaavya


Note takers for upcoming meetings:

Project Thread: GitHub Process Updates

  • Please review and provide comments on the GithubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. process updates.

 UX Feedback

  • During a recent episode, UXUX UX is an acronym for User Experience - the way the user uses the UI. Think ‘what they are doing’ and less about how they do it. designer @Piccia Neri reviewed This post is a way to find the timestamps AND a request any support on filing GitHub issues for this, alongside updating this post with the GitHub issue links.
  • Next actions here include others also reviewing the suggestions and opening corresponding GitHub issues at
  • Many of these are quite doable.  It would be ideal for coordinating with folks in #design to assess if/when Learn will get the same treatments as’s homepage redesign.

Hacktoberfest opportunities

  • Giving a shoutout here to start that @Chetan Prajapati inquired about participating in Hacktoberfest. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • Hacktoberfest is a way for open-source contributors to discover and contribute to projects.  In exchange for meeting the requirements, participants can receive a digital badge, t-shirt, or a tree planted in their name.
  • This year, there is also a new way to contribute including low or no-code options. That would fit in perfectly with the content we need to revise or create for WordPress 6.1 release, as well as translation initiatives.   See more at
  • As this does require a GitHub pull request for the systems to detect your contribution, please refer to the GitHub issue describing the process.  Always feel comfortable asking a question in this channel as well for help, and if you see other issues you’d like to have labeled to count toward contribution.


  •  @GoGinaMarie has volunteered to turn @Allie Nimmons Course Design Review and Best Practices videos into a team post this week. Thanks Gina!

Cross-team Collaboration Initiatives

#docs team would like to collaborate further on how our content connects together. We have a few other ways to collaborate, including a changelog feature to display on the front end of content, how our content links to each other, notifying each other of updates/revisionsRevisions The WordPress revisions system stores a record of each saved draft or published update. The revision system allows you to see what changes were made in each revision by dragging a slider (or using the Next/Previous buttons). The display indicates what has changed in each revision. that may pertain to us, etc.  These would be development contributions for HelpHub, DevHub, and LearnWP.

Ideally, a working group could form after November 7.  This would allow time to focus on WordPress 6.1 content to be created/revised/shipped first. Folks interested in this include: @n8finch, @webtechpooja, @colorful-tones, @sagarladani

#polyglots has begun working more closely with our team as well. We are starting to sort out workflows for the translation of content on LearnWP and really excited by the many folks interested in helping. As we continue, we will work out how to ask for reviews from Polyglots along the way.

Request for Comments (RFC)

Please check out the following and add your comments:

  1. Proposal: Faster Course Development with Video-Based Courses
  2. Project Proposal: Content Localization

Online Workshop Facilitators

Sprint: WordPress 6.1 is coming!

  • See what needs to be revised/created in WP 6.1:
  • This release is for RC1, release candidateRelease Candidate A beta version of software with the potential to be a final product, which is ready to release unless significant bugs emerge. 1.  At this time, we reach a freeze.  When those tickets are sorted, and the RCRelease Candidate A beta version of software with the potential to be a final product, which is ready to release unless significant bugs emerge. ships, we can begin working on video content as well for this release. 
  • Look in this for coming changes: Information Sources for WP 6.1
  • To create content or test versions, Use this site creation tool while creating content and testing WordPress 6.1. It already has Theme Unit Test Data, the new Twenty Twenty Three theme, and will have the most current RC available when it ships. Note, your sites will only work for 4 hours, but if you need longer, I can help you override that. That tool from InstaWP is available for #training #docs #marketing and #fse-outreach-experiment teams to use while making content or testing.
  • Ideally, we hope to have all 6.1 content ready by Oct 28. 
  • This is a list of everything for 6.1 with a priority of High.
  • Want to volunteer for a topic?  If no one is assigned, comment on the post requesting you be assigned to the topic. Need access to LearnWP? Leave a note in the channel.  Team Reps and Faculty members can provide that access for you.

Open Discussions

  • Daylight savings: We are about 3 weeks away from some of the Northern Hemisphere adjusting clocks. In 2 weeks, when the Americas/EMEA meeting happens again, we can take a poll to decide if we stick with UTC time or adjust to local time changes. Usually APAC does not shift, as many nations do not observe daylight saving time.
  • Ticket review and publish process: Approving tickets from “review in progress” to “published” was clarified by @courane01, @west7, and @psykro.

Upcoming Meetings

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments, via

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

    1. Lesson Plans
    2. Tutorials
    3. Courses
    4. Online Workshops
    5. Pathways to Learn WordPress
  2. Getting Involved
    1. GitHub Website Development
    2. GitHub Content Development
    3. What We Are Currently Working On This Month
  3. About The Team
  4. Our Team Blog

#meeting-recap, #training-team