Recap of the Training Team meeting, January 18, 2022

Slack Log (Requires SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account.)

The agenda for the meeting can be found here

Introductions and Welcome

In attendance: @arasae, @courane01, @webtechpooja, @rkohilakis, @boogah, @azhiyadev, @peteringersoll, @onealtr, @tantienhime, @kemmy99 @webcommsat @nalininonstopnewsuk

Welcoming the newcomers joining the team (Slack usernames):
@Somnath Karan @ironprogrammer @aurooba @Nabid Anzum @Lesley



We are still looking for team members interested in managing account access to Learn/Training team sites, and answering any questions for new people. This could also include helping new team members draft meeting recaps, pointing them to specific content in the handbook, and more. Providing login access during meetings is a big help.

Interested? Let us know!


Training Team Goals for 2022
This is really the big news for the year ahead. In the post, you can see that the goals are ambitious, and we appreciate any and all contributions anyone may be able to make towards them.

This week/month, the team is really focused on the WP 5.9 release and content coinciding with that.


We’re taking a look forward, and what we will work on between 5.9’s release and the start of March.

  • Use GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. Projects in LearnWP repository for managing team activity
  • Implement a Faculty program (like Community Deputies, name to be determined)
  • Brainstorm and discovery for the creation of a Needs Analysis
  • Plan promotions with the Marketing Team
  • Create Instructor/Facilitator resources portion on LearnWP


@webtechpooja, @azhiyadev, and @courane01 have started experimenting with moving our TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: board over to GitHub. There is some cleanup work required to make this usable again, as it is essentially a big pile without any tags or organization.

Work on this will continue on that after the 5.9 release work concludes.

@hlashbrooke has some next action steps regarding the commencement of the Faculty program.

We will open up a draft document around the Needs Analysis after release. @rkohilakis will be instrumental in this process.

With Marketing

We will continue the work around promoting resources on LearnWP with Marketing. This is something we do already, but we would like to continue to improve upon the flow of what is published and how to promote it. We would also like to make sure to support any relevant areas with the marketing team.

The Instructor/Facilitator resources will help with anyone wanting to use content from the site when presenting to others — or, also, in being a content creator of any form on LearnWP.

Please note that there are some other really big plans listed above, but some of those will depend heavily upon earlier steps which have not yet been completed, such as the results of a Needs Analysis.

Other decision making topics

APAC Friendly Meeting Poll Results

Update from @webtechpooja: Excited to announce, Thursday 11:30 am – 12:30 pm UTC got the most votes. This coming Thursday, we can start with our first APAC friendly timezone meeting. It will be a recap of this meeting.

Our mission in starting this APAC friendly meeting is to encourage people from across all timezones to be able to participate, and more contributors can get involved with the Training team.


With the release of WordPress 5.9 scheduled for this month, all of our efforts have been focused on updating LearnWP.

We’ve had 2 lesson plans go live thanks to the proofreading by new contributors @aurooba and @lesleysim. @aurooba has also taken on the Popular Plugins lesson plan, and is working now on it.

@courane01 has shared (with those who do a final review to things before publishing) that we have a shared doc with the Marketing team. This document’s aim is to collect all published content types for social media promotions.

In an ongoing way, contributors can help craft the social media messaging. Those maintaining the .org accounts will use this messaging during their social rotations.


  1. What did you commit to last week? As a reminder (Slack link)
  2. What did you do?
  3. Any blockers?
  4. What will you do next week?


  1. More content in lesson plans and workshops for 5.9, assist creating the team goal setting summary/read-out, close the 2 posts on SLS + TaxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. that we’ve requested feedback, work more on GitHub project migrationMigration Moving the code, database and media files for a website site from one server to another. Most typically done when changing hosting companies..
  2. Team goal setting, onboard proofreaders, finalize 2 lesson plans and 2 workshops (with captioning)
  3. Time
  4. More content in lesson plans and workshops for 5.9, close the 2 posts on SLS + Taxonomy that we’ve requested feedback.


  1. I committed to working on the 5.9 revisionsRevisions The WordPress revisions system stores a record of each saved draft or published update. The revision system allows you to see what changes were made in each revision by dragging a slider (or using the Next/Previous buttons). The display indicates what has changed in each revision.
  2. Nothing
  3. I’ve been sick
  4. Catch-up


  1. I picked 2 lesson plans,Duotone and difference between Reusable Blocks, BlockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. Templates, template parts.
  2. Almost drafted 1 lesson plan and it will be ready to review in 1 or 2 day
  3. nope
  4. continue working with writing lesson plan and will do work on some lesson plan revision


  1. Nothing!  Had internal work related projects to catch up on 
  2. I have been revising and editing the Part 1 FSE course now that learners have been using it.
  3. A little burnt out from the course 
  4. Going to start working on Template Parts LP/Workshop


  1. Mostly release focused and continuing to find ways and support for Learn WP and Marketing working together, and linking with coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress..
  2. As above, mainly through:
    • Working on the team goal documents with Courtney.
    • Focus is delivery for 5.9 and taking forward learnings for 6.0.
    • Promoting Learn WP and opportunities for contributors (short term and longer terms needs) in core and externally with meetups and wider. Showing joint collaboration approaches.
    • Will have more time for lesson plans and workshops reviewing/ presenting after 5.9 launches and post marcomms.
    • Yesterday’s WordPress Boulder MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. on the 5.9 release had panellists from core, marketing, training, documentation and more. This was great to see and be part of and the panel, and a real positive for the project of collaborating together across teams and with meetup organizers.
  3. Time and resources.
  4. More as in 2)


  1. Two things — working on the Child Themes for Block themes lesson plan and brainstorming the potential Content Planning Parties.
  2. 1. Gathered research: I’m comparing the existing Child Themes lesson plan to what I’ve learned about block themes and modifying it from there. 2. Brainstormed how the Content Planning party could work and am working out dates for that.
  3. Time. I have a lot less of it right now. Also, I realized I’ve never planned something like this for the community and am floundering a bit. I’m not sure if we want to get that content out as close to the 5.9 release as possible, or if waiting a week so I have a bit more time to plan would be acceptable… maybe I should make a poll.
  4. Finish Child Themes for Block themes lesson plan.


  1. Ongoing editing and proofreading support for training
  2. Started proofreading some course and have more to finish. Lots of time around the release.
  3. Limited time with the release. Impact of lot of people being away
  4. Waiting for new courses for proofreading.


  1. What did you commit to last week? Continuing with Part 2/3 of the FSE course + SLSes
  2. What did you do? Worked on the course + I have facilitated two SLSes on since the last meeting
  3. Any blockers? Waited for reviews / some technical bits
  4. What will you do next week? Start creating media for the course and transferring everything to Sensei


If you are working on WordPress 5.9 revisions or content:

5.9 – Revisions

  1. Pick a topic, any topic from the list! Let us know in the comments or drop us a message in the #training Slack channel
  2. Get access, if you don’t have it already, to Ask in the #training Slack channel.
  3. Watch the ‘How we use the Revisions Extended Plugin’.
  4. Make the revisions on the site using the video as a guide. Set the date to January 25, 2022.
  5. Ask the team to review it. Drop us a message in the #training Slack channel.
  6. A member of the team will review and publish the changes.

All these instructions and the video are listed in the January 2022 Sprint post. If you get stuck, just drop us a message in Slack.

5.9 – New Content

  1. Pick a topic, any topic from the list! Let us know in the comments or drop us a message in the #training Slack channel
  2. Get access, if you don’t have it already, to Ask in the #training Slack channel.

If you need help creating content, we’ve got some great workshops videos ready for you to learn how to do this:

All these instructions are listed in the January 2022 Sprint post. If you get stuck, just drop us a message in Slack.

If you would like to volunteer to do proofreading, please leave a comment on the January 2022 Sprint or in the #training Slack channel as well.

Related to WordPress 5.9 Sprint
If you are collaborating on the social media posts in #marketing, there will be a live sprint from 14:00 UTC tomorrow (January 19, 2022) in that channel. Consider joining to help with the remaining areas.

With a week away from the release of WordPress 5.9, the document needs to be completed in the next few days.

Open Discussions

@arasae proposed the Learn WordPress Content Co-working Session. A super casual, super informal, hanging out together in two different time zones to build lesson plans together. A reference document is available.

This is for anyone who is working on something and would love to talk through their ideas. This is also for anyone who is excited about the training team, but is worried about things like writing lesson objectives. This is our chance to work together, talk through things where we get stuck, talk about WordPress, and plan out new, needed content in whatever ways work best for us.

@arasae (via Slack)

This co-working session will focus on the content we are working on for our January 2022 Sprint.

Use of video in these sessions (likely conducted over Zoom) would be optional for participants. We will also have closed-captioning enabled.

More discussion around this idea will occur during our first APAC meeting and a poll for times will be forthcoming.

@nalininonstopnewsuk asked if there is a deadline for when the content relating to WordPress 5.9 needs to be created, and published.

Great question on timeframes. This is the team’s first time through aiming to have content for 5.9 included close to release.

As such, before release is great for users, but soon after is reasonable in our first endeavor into covering the main features of 5.9 this time through.


It was agreed that mid-February sounds like a good tentative deadline.

Upcoming Meetings

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments, via

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

  1. Getting Involved:-
  2. About The Team:- 
  3. Our Team Blog:- 
  4. Our Content Roadmap:- 
  5. What We Are Currently Working On This Month:-
  6. Learn WordPress Roadmap:- 
  7. Learn WordPress Issues Log:-
  8. Our Lesson Plans:-
  9. Our YouTube Channel:- 
  10. Learn Website:-