Recap for Training Team Meeting December 14, 2021

Slack Log (Requires SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account.)

The agenda for the meeting can be found here

Introductions and Welcome

In attendance: @rkohilakis, @courane01, @azhiyadev, @peteringersoll, @boogah, @clshannon @Webcommsat, @kemmy99, @webtechpooja, and @rkohilakis.

Welcoming the newcomers joining the team (Slack usernames): @oktopuce (Florian Rival), @elblakeo31 (Blake B), @burtrw (Ronnie Burt), and @dmac90712 (Derek McCrary)

We’ve had quite a few new people join the channel recently. What is your interest in Learn/Training and what do you enjoy outside of WordPress: 


@elblakeo31: Three key interests from me… I’m super interested in FSE-related training. My agency, Decubing,  is trying to integrate FSE components into client projects, and our developers will need some help getting up to speed with all the updates. Also, I’m working with a non-profit code school in New Orleans, Operation Spark. We’ve been talking about creating a WordPress track to promote entrepreneurship. Finally, I’m building an app for campus website management(Edupack). Lots of Higher Ed pros have told us a learning library would be super useful. We’re trying to figure out what we should focus on internally and how we might just contribute to the great work of the #training team. Here if anyone wants to chat!!

@courane01: Welcome @elblakeo31,  I’ve instructed WP development in a high school and front end Bootcamp. Happy to collaborate for schools.

@elblakeo31: Amazing @courane01! Operation Spark has a great high school track. We’re hoping to offer WP fundamentals so that graduates can start their own WP-based businesses. (I paid for my college by coding themes through Tulane!). We’re still formulating our plan of attack, but I’ll certainly get in touch with you when I have the next steps from the team. @rkohilakis has also been a great help!

One immediate thing that has been mentioned: some kind of certification for WordPress development completion. I know nothing like that exists, but lots of eager learners seem to want it.

@courane01: Nothing exists yet. Stay tuned for preliminary research in 2022 though. Also – we will be including achievements on .org profiles for completing courses on Learn.

@elblakeo31: Yay! I definitely will. That’s a big request! Happy to get involved in the convo.


@elblakeo31: That’s great!

@azhiyadev: We want to better acknowledge the contributions made to the team.  If you have not yet filled out our contact form, please do.

@kemmy99 volunteered to take notes today, thank you. Meeting recap notes is one of the best ways to get started contributing to a team. Please refer to this guide to get started.


Welcome, and Help Scout Wranglers: Last week we agreed to set up a rotation for HelpScout. The following people have volunteered to manage @rkohilakis @arasae @alexstine @azhiyadev If you want to help, please let us know. @hlashbrooke is in the process of documenting the process of managing applications for social learning spaces group facilitators.

We are still looking for team members interested in managing account access to Learn/Training team sites, and answering any questions for new people. This could also include helping new team members draft meeting recaps, pointing them to specific content in the handbook, and more. 
Interested? Let us know!

Two people have indicated their interest to be team members for managing account access to Learn/Training team sites. Kemi Makinde and @west7.

Team Goal Setting 2022: We are using Miro for a virtual whiteboard with sticky notes for planning. (please keep that invite link out of recap notes to prevent spam). On Monday we kicked off part 2 of our Team goal setting. To recap, in part 1, we defined our 

  • Our vision
  • Our values
  • Our stakeholders
  • The ideas that will help us reach the vision and what will help us operate as a team

In part 2, we looked at those ideas and started to group them into what was in-scope and out of scope. Out of scope was anything that was not within our remit (that is it relied on external parties to deliver), required additional development resources, or had too many dependencies that need to be in place before we could even consider working on it. We then broke this down into order of priority and grouped this into themes. We ask that team members update the following frames on the Miro board:

  • Methods – what are the actions and steps that we need to take to get the job done? Please rank this in order of priority.
  • Obstacles – what obstacles do we face in accomplishing all this and how can we overcome them?
  • Metrics – how can we measure what we’ve done to identify if it is successful or not?

Question from @courane01: Do we want to run a final session at the same time next week to break this down into different milestones?


@webcommsat: I will try to join depending on the government’s announcements on COVID 

@west7: I will be able to join

@webcommsat: What date is this now set for please @azhiyadev? Thanks,

@azhiyadev: Hi @webcommsat. We agreed to run it asynchronously, @courane01 and I can still run another Zoom session this coming Monday at 19:00 UTC for those who are free and want to join.

@rkohilakis: should we do this after the new year?

@azhiyadev: It depends, do we think people will be able to concentrate on it between now and next week? We have our final team meeting next week, it would be good to try and at least do Methods, Obstacles, and Metrics offline so that all we need to do is discuss it on Monday/Tuesday meeting. However, I’m happy to push it to next year if that is better for everyone else. (edited) I wouldn’t want to push it past the second week of January.

@rkohilakis: I will be around the beginning of next week, but I believe some people might be taking time away from the keyboard for the Christmas holiday.

@courane01: I’ll be around until Dec 23. I totally understand folks heading away for holidays. I’m looking forward to it as well.

@peteringersoll: I’m OK either way – but I plan to “check out” (actually, work on my own projects) during the holiday break, probably starting on the 22nd.

@courane01: That’s totally understandable.  I’m wondering if we can get the bulk done async

@azhiyadev: Same, can we commit to working on this async until the end of this week and then recap in the 2nd week of January so all we are doing is working on Milestones for the year?

@courane01: The concern is in regrouping after the holidays to ensure we are ready to make the most use of the month. But also – holidays.

@azhiyadev: Looks like a few more people are okay with working async. So let us work towards that and then see where we are in the first/second week of January.

@kemmy99: That sounds good.

APAC friendly meeting: With Pooja joining us as team repTeam Rep A Team Rep is a person who represents the Make WordPress team to the rest of the project, make sure issues are raised and addressed as needed, and coordinates cross-team efforts. for 2022, we have been discussing running an APAC friendly meeting. Please complete the Doodle poll to help us identify the best time to run this meeting.


@courane01: @harishanker can you help elevate this? @meher @oneal @west7 @hlashbrooke @yogesh @chetan200891

@courane01: @nao also helps elevate

@harishanker: For sure, @courane01! Happy to share it in the local network as well. Thanks for the heads-up!  Pinging @yogesh as well.

@courane01: @OGlekler also – if you know folks interested?

@webtechpooja: @hardiksharma – If you are interested

@courane01: @ashiquzzaman @chaion07

@chaion07: Thanks, @courane01. I’ve added my votes to the poll 

@chetan200891: Thanks for informing. Added mine. 

Upcoming events

  1. State of the Word
  2. WordPress 2021 annual Survey
  3. Discussion groups/social learning spaces


December Sprint: As agreed if you were working on anything in November, you can continue to work on this. We are holding off on creating new content until we can assess what we have for the 5.9 release.

5.9 Audit 
We especially need help reviewing lesson plans for versions of WordPress depicted and workshops for WP version + Included Content taxonomies.

@azhiyadev: If anyone is interested in helping with the audit, please let us know.


@webcommsat: I know @nalininonstopnewsuk had said she would try and help with this. She is in another meeting at the moment so will have to check in with you later.

@peteringersoll: Include me for the audit. I just have to check if I have the necessary Learn access.

@courane01: We should have a list together just after the holidays for what needs to be updated and created across Learn.

@peteringersoll: so I understand – is someone working on what needs to be updated and is this part of the audit?

@courane01: yes, tomorrow and over the next few days we’ll start to see some development notes ship addressing key features of WP being released or vastly changed. We need to identify all content to be created or revised.

@courane01: I’ve started a spreadsheet linked in the audit article

@peteringersoll: Got it. Just let me know how I can help.

@peteringersoll: In the meantime, I’ll review instructions on


  1. What did you commit to last week? As a reminder
  2. What did you do?
  3. Any blockers?
  4. What will you do next week?


1/2. Been applying feedback and suggestions to FSE course part 1.  Captured almost all of the media for the course (screenshots, screencasts, workshops).  Adding it into a rough draft on Learn.
3. Time seems to always be a blocker and managing other projects for work.
4. Hopefully have all feedback integrated by the end of this week.  Going to send out another draft with media linked to a course preview so we can look at it in the course’s real home.


  1. Finish goal setting AND work 4 hrs on auditing Learn for WP updates. Also run through to help me spot any areas that we should update.
  2. Attended goal setting and worked async on it, completed a round of testing. Also did clock about 4hrs on revising the taxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. in Learn which will improve identifying content to create / revise easier for 5.9.
  3. Blockers: nope
  4. Next week: finish async goal setting, start a draft of the content to update/create for 5.9, and help move the goals as we know them over to GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. projects.


  1. I will continue to audit our TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: boards and review
  2. Red brand content, team goal setting, I’m liaising with Hugh on the functionality Trello board
  3. Time
  4. The same including updating the Miro board frames and 5.9 audit


  1. Volunteered for auditing lesson plan
  2. Explored 5.9 version and few lesson plans
  3. time and health both are blocker for me this week.
  4. Continuing with auditing lesson plan for 5.9


  1. What did you commit to last week? Working on FSE Course: Part 2
  2. What did you do? I have been making progress with the course…
  3. Any blockers? Struggled with some aspects of Templates and wording things.  There is not a lot of FSE documentation available yet.
  4. What will you do next week? Continue working on the course and start creating media

Thank you for all the updates, please continue to do so async if you were unable to make it to the meeting.

Open Discussions

Does anyone have anything else they want to discuss?

@courane01: Next week for the meeting, would we like to do a Zoom holiday hangout instead? BYO (bring your own) cookies.  The #docs team is always talking about cookies, and #marketing about chocolate.

@webcommsat: With marketing hat, we’ve been continuing to work with training in various things and collaboration on the release. More planned this Wednesday. Check our last week’s marketing meeting to know how you can contribute. Apologies if Courtney has already shared this, as I am catching up.

@courane01: Thanks Abha, I didn’t get to share that link. I will be doing a combo effort on rounding up content on Learn to revise/create for the release in conjunction with the contribution opportunities in #marketing with the 5.9 release.

@webcommsat: We’re particularly interested in developer benefits of 5.9 (coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. meeting 20:30 UTC Monday just gone). This is for joint work across teams. Do do share what you think the benefits will be which we could share. Thanks! More on the social media work in development chat notes from last week too under the About page component 

@courane01: Training team began with a vision to help meetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. organizers present something at meetups, taking the burden of organizing a topic off.  Can we continue to elevate lesson plans in the Meetup Organizer Newsletter?  I’m thinking of a quick list of what’s new this month, plus suggested topics. Provide both lesson plans and workshops (later as they are merged as well – 1 source per topic)

Make WordPress Communities

Meetup Organizer Newsletter: December 2021

@azhiyadev: Thank you for joining us today.  We will run Friday Office Hour at 11:00 AM UTC and Friday Coffee Hour at 14:00 UTC. Join us again for an upcoming meeting on Tuesday next week at 5:00 PM UTC. Don’t forget to bring your cake, cookies and chocolate for this meeting.  Feel free to continue chatting but I will close the meeting.

Upcoming Meetings

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments, via

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

  1. Getting Involved:-
  2. About The Team:- 
  3. Our Team Blog:- 
  4. Our Content Roadmap:- 
  5. What We Are Currently Working On This Month:-
  6. Learn WordPress Roadmap:- 
  7. Learn WordPress Issues Log:-
  8. Our Lesson Plans:-
  9. Our YouTube Channel:- 
  10. Learn Website:-