Scheduling an APAC-Friendly Meeting Time

As the Training Team has grown over the years, more contributors are joining from all over the world. This is super exciting to see! In order to accommodate contributors in as many timezones as possible, we’re going to need to set up dual meeting times in the same way that both the Polyglots and Community teams do. This means that the weekly Training Team meeting will be held twice, both times with the same agenda, in order to cater to different time zones.

The current team meeting is weekly on Tuesday at 4pm UTC. This generally works for people in the US and through most EMEA timezones, but it makes it pretty tough for people in APAC to attend, so let’s figure out a time that will allow more people to get involved in the Training Team!

If the current Training Team meeting time is impossible or difficult for you, then please use this poll to vote for times that could work for you (you may select as many options as applicable):