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The agenda for the meeting can be found here
1) Intro / Welcome
Attendance: @azhiyadev, @courane01, @paaljoachim, @evarlese, @Weblink, @peteringersoll, @webtechpooja, @onealtr
How to earn badges?
In general we are following the Team Profile Badges Handbook.
We are trying to make sure that this aligns with Lean WordPress Contributor Ladder
Badges are given to the following @lmurillom @oglekler @webcommsat @meher @nalininonstopnewsuk @evarlese @matteospi
2) News
1) Onboarding and roles and the flow from the contact form.
@azhiyadev has done amazing work combined with @andreamiddleton and @evarlese on tracking down all the team roles. It’s live in the handbook
#marketing does a great job at having quick start contribution opportunities, and it definitely is something the team here needs too
This would be part of Team Welcome Wrangler. We do automatically greet new folks with a series of links already set up by @webtechpooja a few months ago.
In the welcome message, we need to add some brief and simple tasks for new contributors to help them get connected, and a greeter to provide access as needed.
@courane01 mentioned that if anyone has suggestions, or see another role that you’d especially like to help with, please do let us know in this slack thread.
Learn is a fantastic opportunity to contribute, and we’re seeing an uptick in contributors as well.
High priorities & Incoming support
@courane01 met with @hlashbrooke 2 days ago for a few updates. We know we have a few instructional designers coming aboard sponsored by Automattic. I think this is fantastic news. He had asked for a list of high priorities.
In no particular order, @azhiyadev and @courane01 recapped areas the team has needed help with for some years.
- Audit tool – starting to collaborate with the Docs team now around this for their needs as well.
- Slides
- UX UX is an acronym for User Experience - the way the user uses the UI. Think ‘what they are doing’ and less about how they do it. feedback (a consulting company will be doing an audit)
- standards for course videos – quality of recording etc, Marketing has great input on this informally, but we can request more.
- documentation around how we partner with subject matter experts.
- getting to know the training team and its history, alongside how an open source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project works and remains transparent
- Brand guideline wording on Learn
- COPPA guidelines
Detail brief of the above points:
Docs and Training teams both have a lot of content to audit when WP ships an update. Nuances like the block Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. toolbar has changed can mean redoing screenshots, content in articles across DevHub, HelpHub, Docs, Learn.
By coordinating with Docs on their workflow, we can then submit a more official feature request to #meta around what tools inside all those sites can help those that look for content that needs to be updated, as well as those that may only contribute for a to Contributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. once to have a meaningful experience.
Slides: as we look to soon have video courses on Learn, we’re thinking ahead about the ease for multiple people to maintain the content. Does one slide need to be revised and a video re-recorded? Well – organizing that workflow becomes really important.
@meher is here and very often a #marketing team contributor. Noting that I recall the marketing team having a lot of valuable input around the production quality. I’d like to organize some of the standards for audio/video recording quality.
Brand guidelines go back to last week, and well – the start of the team even. We will be able to mention names of plugins/themes/blocks/etc. that are not part of Core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress.. But we need to document for contributors making content how to suggest these and appropriate ways to mention multiple options (say a contact form on a contact page).
Hugh was agreeable about reaching out to a few of the brands we may mention for some proofreading, and gaining some WP ecosystem support around this.
COPPA is a USA centric thing, but the idea is also global. We have a KidsCamp program. However, to have any content that is directly aimed at youth, there are standards and guidelines that many different governments have. We need some protection if we have any content directly planned for youth learning WordPress.
3) June Sprint
@azhiyadev mentioned that the Sprint method is used to determine what we are working on and to determine our timeframe for delivery.
You will find what we are working on for the month of June here.
Lesson plans are ready to be drafted: (These need to incorporate the lesson plan template, and bump the content into the lesson plan walkthrough)
- Setting up a local WordPress Development Environment for Core
- Testing a Trac ticket or a Github PR
- Trial run on a lesson plan and workshop about overcoming Imposter Syndrom by @lepittenger as part of Web Dev Studios 5FTF to be included in the speaker series.
- How to Configure WordPress installation for Contributor and Developer Testing – @paaljoachim and @sarmstead (needs team review) Trello Card
@paaljoachim will do a walk through of point 4, and see if there is anything additional that needs to be there.
If anyone wants to pick up points 1 and 2 1 and 2 then just let @azhiyadev or @courane01 know.
Lesson plans ready to be drafted:
- Use browser dev tools to anonymized info
- What other teams have found
- How to create a blog post in WordPress 5.x (@geheren has volunteered to work on this)
- Using a browser inspector (@woodnet has volunteered to work on this)
- What to do when you forget your password (@webtechpooja has volunteered to work on this)
If anyone wants to work on 1 and 2, please let @azhiyadev or @courane01 know.
If we have forgotten to assign you to a plan then please let @azhiyadev or @courane01 know. It’s been a bit of a hectic week so some stuff might have slipped through the cracks.
On that note, @azhiyadev knows people have a lot going on so please let @azhiyadev and @courane01 know if you are struggling. We don’t want anyone to burn out and we want to support you as much as we can.
June Sprint
We also have some functionality goals for Learn
- the slides plugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party (as previously mentioned by Courtney)
- style printer friendly stylesheet for transcripts and lesson plans
- audit tool (as previously mentioned by Courtney)
@courane01 thinks some of the stakeholder part is organically happening since we listed it in the Sprint. But I do think as things begin to happen more, we can make official meeting times, workflows, etc. to partner across teams better.
@azhiyadev This has been on the agenda for a long time and. We want a planning meeting for cross-team collaboration on the goals on Learn (functionality and content). We are collaborating with #docs, #marketing #accessibility, #polyglots and #community-team but nothing formal has been agreed.
Upcoming meetings
#community-team, #marketing, #training