Recap for Training Team Meeting on December 8, 2020

Slack Log  (Requires SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account)

Attendance: @courane01, @onealtr, @geheren, @oglekler, @webcommsat, @meher, @nalininonstopnewsuk, @rastaban

Meeting led by: @onealtr

Upcoming team meetings

Friday 11 December 2020 at 11:00 UTC

Tuesday 15 December 2020 at 17:00 UTC

Introduction and Welcome 

  • Welcome to new Contributor Hetvi Patel

Congrats and Thanks

For anyone new, we want to acknowledge contributions made to the team so please fill out our contact form, if you haven’t already done so. It will also help us provide you with access to various Training team accounts.

What we are working on now

We are currently working on these last steps before launching on December 15!

  • @courane01 said we are nearly done with tasks for launch!
  • One of the last big projects is a “partial landing page” so when someone visits the Lessons Plans page, things are laid out a bit better and more organized. @evarlese has been working on this. Currently, they are digging back to one of our design team collaborators who originally worked on the InVision layout @courane01 shared last Friday to get parts of this working.
  • @courane01 said there are still 2 lesson plans that need to be written:
    • Creating/joining Slack, orientation to channels and etiquette. @geheren took this on. @webcommsat can help review when done.
    • Joining Get Involved Teams – See Contributor Day Handbook. No one took this task to @courane01 is doing for now (but she has a lot going on for launch, if someone has time to take on).

@courane01 gave a shout-out to the #marketing team for coordinating with the #training and #community teams on the launch! They would like feedback:

  • Suggestions for the channels for external outreach and promotion. Where do you or those you know get their news about WordPress?
    • They could also really use non-English news sources in the outreach effort.
    • There is a link in Slack to a Google Doc to share ideas.
  • Marketing is also seeking quotes on how people use the Learn website and why contributing to Learn and Training is fun, and how you can encourage others.
  • @webcommsat also asked for volunteers to help with social sharing graphics

To celebrate the launch, @webcommsat announced that we will be golding a virtual get together on Wednesday 16 December from 1 pm to 1:45pm UTC.

  • There is a link to the Eventbrite on Slack.
  • Bring your party drinks, snacks and fancy backgrounds. This will be a cross-team event
  • If there are too many people, @webcommsat said we will plan a second event. Limited to Zoom’s numbers.
  • They will also be sharing graphics and social media items, plus a fun quiz.
  • One thing: @webcommsat asks that we check with everyone before photos are taken and shared on social media to be respectful to where people may be joining us from. We will take official photos, so make sure your Zoom name if it includes your email address, etc.
  • They are trying to organize a big virtual cake too, so reach out to @meher if you can participate.
  • Down the line, there will be a 6-month party too!


  • @courane01 spent the last week working on cross-team communication. She followed up with @jessecowens and @sippis on slides and screenshots for #marketing. Her only blockers are time. By Friday, she will have any of our screenshots from herself and the team ready for #Marketing. She will also be working on the Get Involved lesson plan (see above), unless anyone else can take on.
  • @onealtr committed to learn last week on how to facilitate the meetings and was taught by @courane01. He led today’s meeting and it went great!
  • I (@geheren) took last week off after my “mini sprint” the week before. I went back to work after a week+ of vacation and needed to catch up. This week I will be working on this recap and the Slack lesson plan.

Action items

@courane01 shared where comments are needed:
