Recap for Training Team Meeting November 13, 2020

Attendance: @courane01 @evalese @azhiyadev @onealtr

Meeting led by @courane01

Slack timestamp

Introduction and welcome to new contributors and agenda walkthrough.

2nd weekly meeting survey update

Votes are in for an additional meeting slot to help familiarise and onboard new contributors. @onealtr to review results, indicate preference and liaise with @courane01 on the kick-off meeting.

Learn siteLearn site The Training Team publishes its completed lesson plans at which is often referred to as the "Learn" site. lesson plan functionality update

@evarlese, @courane01, @cam, @corey @azhiyadev met to discuss the functionality needs for lesson plans on Learn, especially in relation to moving from GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. to Learn.

@evarlese provided an update on the meeting:

  • #meta has carried out research and investigation on existing plugins or options that can replace revisioning and queueing functionality. There isn’t a perfect solution in place but the team have it on their radar.
  • the training team agreed to look at a way to link current lesson plans to existing slides. @courane01 will set this up so that it can also be tracked on Edit Flow.
  • the training team will continue working on the high-priority tasks (fixing images, code snippets, etc.) and develop processes for badges, etc. around that.

Overall it was a positive meeting and gave the training team a way forward:

  • @courane01 went onto notify the team that they do have help coming for completing tasks that are nearly done on the team TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example: board. The focus won’t be on creating more slides at this time but making sure existing lesson plans are in a more completed state.
  • The team will revisit their need for slides and explore the functionality on how to display and make these downloadable within Learn. The temporary solution will be to link to the folders of slides in each GitHub repo. The average user may require an overview of how to download/display these, along with how to download lesson plans.
  • @hlashbrooke will coordinate those able to help write lesson plans. @courane01 is requesting help organising these contributors as the team will not be able to track participation well at this time without GitHub.
  • Linking existing workshops to lesson plans will be looked at in Phase II.

Standup check-in

@webtechpooja volunteered to review code snippets and get through 6 lesson plans that contained snippets. She met her goal.

@courane01 committed to working on screenshots for 2 lesson plans but did not meet her goal. She did not meet her goal. The blockers were unexpected work/life temporary changes.

@onealtr committed to working on screenshots but the blocker was unexpected life temporary changes.

@evarlese volunteered to help with looking into options around GitHub, which she did (with the help of @azhiyadev, @courane01, and @camikaos).

For the next meeting:

  • @courane01 has committed to working on 2 lesson plans for screenshots, will finish her lesson and slides for Creating a WordPress Profile and will leave comments in #training.
  • @evarlese committed to taking 2 lesson plans for screenshots.
  • @azhiyadev committed to removing taxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. and look at a nearly done lesson plan

If anyone needs to step out of contributions, be free to do so. Keep us posted if possible on your own well-being. More than launching Learn and writing lesson plans, we as a team care about the people doing all of this.


As a reminder anyone can help with:

  1. Small chunks
    1. Fixing broken images
    2. Omit details to taxonomy
    3. Code snippets review
  2. Medium chunks
    1. Complete lesson plans


@courane01 and @azhiyadev now have access to post team recaps on this will help cross-team initiatives.