@Josh McIntyre did get the project set up in GitHub for moving lesson plans over. https://github.com/orgs/wptrainingteam/projects/2
@chetan200891 got his first lesson plan converted from Make to GitHub. Yay! It’s a nice confirmation that the video that @pbrocks put together can help new folks get started. https://github.com/wptrainingteam/widget-areas
@Josh McIntyre will add all the LPs to the GitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. https://github.com/ Project Board. He created issues for the ones that already had a repository. The issues can be assigned to people so we know who is working on what.
@juliekuehl We may actually have to recreate images and perhaps even rewrite some lesson plans in the process. But that can be done once things are in GitHub. Those can be issues we create on the new repo.
@juliekuehl: So, the update on the GitHub transition is that the project board is set up, the process to move lesson plans from Make to GitHub is documented, and a new team member successfully migrated a lesson plan.
@juliekuehl: We still need to work on the style guide due to the limitations of Markdown and GitHub.
@donkiely has been helping with the style guide but might not be available for the next few weeks
@estes.chris will get options on icons to replace the color notation on Make.
@juliekuehl: So the action items for the week are:
1) @Josh McIntyre will set up the remaining lesson plans on the project board
2) @estes.chris will identify possible icons that can be used as visual cues in Markdown
3) we can all move lesson plans over as needed.
@chetan200891 I have copied some other lessons. I think they are ready to commit. He used the Markdown editor: https://www.browserling.com/tools/html-to-markdown
@jillbinder: Much progress on the final pieces of the diversity speakers trainings. And a question, a request, and a double-checking something.
1. I finished the workbooks and got them up. For now they are google documents in my own account, just because people needed them and they needed to go somewhere. Do we have a google account I can use or is there another way I should be doing this?
2. I did the changes needed to the workshop materials. One of the things I did was removed the sections that repeat in the first three lessons. In lessons 2 and 3 I say basically “go refer to lesson 1 for this section.” Could someone could look it over and let me know if it works as is?
3. Just a note that I haven’t started on slides yet but will very soon. The last decision we made on those is I’m creating them in reveal.js.
@juliekuehl said it’s fine to have the Google Docs in @jillbinder‘s Google Drive but we will will eventually want a team-owned space. The LPs in Make isn’t going anywhere just yet. We’ll leave it up until we have a full process in place in GitHub. The Reveal.js files will go into the GitHub repository.
@jillbinder will keep the docs in her Google Drive for now but move them over when the transition to GitHub is complete.
@pbrocks put a reveal.js presentation on GitHub at https://github.com/wptrainingteam/info-presentation/tree/master/js. It can be used as an example.
@juliekuehl suggested it is worth documenting how to best upload reveal.js slide decks.
@jillbinder requests that someone can look over how she solved the repeating sections. @juliekuehl will review them by next week.