Survey for New Meeting Times

Team! I have good news and bad news here. The good news: we have amazing people who are excited about working with our team. The bad news: what has become a large majority of our consistent contributors are no longer able to make our standard meeting time (currently Tuesdays at 19:00UTC). This has caused our progress (which had been on fire in late summer/early fall!) to stagnate as a result of scheduling issues.

BUT! This is a fixable problem! Over the last month or so we have collectively decided that we need to consider changing our meeting time. Please fill out this survey to share your available times: This survey will show up with the times listed in the time zone you are in. Please also note: I set this up with a random theoretical week in the future, what we are voting on is day of week (M-TH) and time of day, not the specific dates that show up in the Doodle.

Please be as generous with your Doodle selections as possible. The reality here is that we’re dealing with many people’s complex schedules, many time zones, and also avoiding all of the other meeting times for the other Make teams. If you have flexibility in your schedule, please keep that in mind so that we can best account for the needs of those folks who don’t have as much flexibility.