Structural Needs for Lesson Plans
@juliekuehl: I think one piece that we have been struggling with is who are our “users”. There has been some discussion regarding their level of experience/expertise with WordPress. And the environments in which these lesson plans are expected to be used. Testing at meet ups and eventually using them at meet ups is still on the table. I think one audience that we’ve been missing is the … “disadvantaged” workshops / areas / environments
@aimeegc: Could someone tell me more about this need’s reach? Is it nation-wide meet ups? I got an answer about how this need was identified last meeting, but I’m still feeling unclear as to how this became the most pressing use case.
She pointed out that she has never heard of learning WP classroom-style at meet ups.
@juliekuehl:: I don’t think meetups as we understand them in the U.S. is the most pressing use case. Convenient, perhaps. But not pressing. We were also tasked with providing materials for organizations such as Hack the Hood and such.
@pbarthmaier: Presenting one in WC Philly.
@juliekuehl: Suggested personas for the user.
1) person leading an afterschool program.
2) Peacecorps worker trying to help a business owner run their own site.
3) High School Teacher who wants to bring WordPress to their classroom
General discussion over how the issue is differences in the teacher’s comfort level with WordPress.
@jcasabona pointed out that more familiar users might make their own lesson plans, but having something like “these are the topics you should hit” list would be good for consistency.
@aimeegc pointed out every teacher uses an LP regardless of knowledge. We are stuck on how detailed they need to be.
@juliekuehl:: I think we’ve got two ideas so far that we should hang on to 1) personas and 2) the modularity of lesson plans (Topics -> Outlines / Talking Points -> Full Scripts).
@pbarthmaier: I think we need two levels of copy editing: one for the flow of English and the other for the validity of code
@juliekuehl: I think we’ve tried to do that before, with varying levels of success. I’m not sure where we should go from here. Those few ideas seem like they might need to percolate a bit before moving forward.
@juliekuehl suggested coming up with 4-8 personas and get them fleshed out. One for each of our Instructor levels and a consideration for student experience and environment (like no internet connection).
@jcasabona answered a question that modularity of the LPs should mean that you can use them exactly as the instructions provided or take the parts and build your own thing (as in Legos).
@juliekuehl: I think one other idea that’s buried in what we said is the idea of taking a single lesson plan (or topic at least) and having different levels within it (beginner/intermediate/advanced or quick-and-dirty/detailed).
@juliekuehl: So the three ideas are: 1) personas and 2) the modularity of lesson plans (Topics -> Outlines / Talking Points -> Full Scripts) and 3) quick-and-dirty vs. detailed.