Agenda for August 8, 2017 Meeting

Today’s team meeting will be a special video call. Please join us in the #training Slack channel on  Tuesday, August 8, 2017, 19:00 UTC for the link to join the call. We’ll be discussing some big-picture team things on the call:

  1. Content flow and process (see Aimee’s post on this)
  2. Inventory of what we have
  3. Team goals
  4. Next steps

Please bring your ideas for team goals to the call. If you have any other large big picture items to add to the agenda, please list them in the comments. I’m looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

ALSO, we need a volunteer to take notes for today’s call. Please pipe up in the comments or in SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at if you are interested!