Recap of March 1, 2016 Meeting

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  1. Welcome
  2. Priority plan updates
    1.  @melindahelt is almost done with Choosing and Installing Themes.
    2. @skarjune will have Categories vs Tags finished this week.
    3. @bethsoderberg finished Managing Updates over the last week and sent it to @meaganhanes for copyediting.
    4. The remaining in progress Tier 1 plans are:
      1. Categories vs Tags@skarjune
      2. Choosing and Installing Themes/ @melindahelt
      3. Content Editor Overview/ @juliekuehl
      4. Famous 5 Minute Install/One-click Install/ @chanthaboune
      5. Managing Menus/ @skarjune *in copyediting
      6. Managing Widgets/ @kimwhite
      7. Managing Updates/ @bethsoderberg *in copyediting
  3. Other lesson plan updates
    1. @amboutwe has made some progress on the Yoast SEO lesson plan.
    2. @juliekuehl tried testing the Basic WordPress Concepts lesson plan and will submit feedback shortly.
    3. We discussed the need to clarify instructional versus student work time in the lesson plans. We have a place designated in the style guide to put such estimates (under teacher notes) and will address adding estimated times once we have gotten to the point where they are ready for folks to present.
    4. @melindahelt reports that Pittsburgh is trying to finalize venue information. They have a library that’s willing to let us use rooms for free two Saturday mornings in a row from 9 to 12 to run a test program with as many Tier 1 plans as we can. It’s looking like it will be mid/late April at this point due to room availability.
  4. Copyediting updates
    1. Last week we discussed consistency with copyediting and over the past week have been commenting on the copyediting checklist post, have added references to BloomBloom's Taxonomy Bloom's Taxonomy is a way of writing lesson plan objectives using specific words so that the objectives can be measured. See for more details.’s taxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. in the style guide and anatomy of a plan pages, and @toniaslimm went through the plans that are ready to test and added objectives in the lesson plans that were missing them and put every lesson in the same order.
    2. @c3zh will copyedit the Managing Menus lesson plan this week.
  5. Contributor drive update
    1. We discussed the possibility of using the March contributor drive to test some of the lesson plans. In general, the group had concerns around timing/planning and not around completion of lessons given that on this weekend we are asking people to plan an event and test the lesson plan during the weekend.
    2. A few things we would need to make this work:
      1. A specific ask (which we kind of have)
      2. A landing page with directions/objectives
      3. A schedule of people who are on hand leading up to and on the day for guidance.
    3. @chanthaboune will post about this on the P2 so we can decide by the end of the week whether or not we can do it.
  6. Decommissioning Skitch
    1. Awesome Screenshot was discussed as a possible replacement for Skitch. Those who have used it seem to be generally in favor of moving forward with it.
    2. We also had a general discussion regarding whether we need to include as many screenshots as we have been and whether the screenshots that we are including need to have as many annotations as they’ve had.
    3. We also discussed how setting standards for annotations may be a way around the limitations of tools, which change over time.