Milestone Update: Tier 1 Progress

Last week we talked about how much progress we’ve made on our lessons for Tier 1 and I was reminded that we haven’t done a milestones post about it yet. I have gathered some of the stats for each month so that we have an idea of where we began and how far we’ve come (because I’m a roadmap sort of kid).

First, the Stats:

December 1 2015

  • 18 to focus on
  • 3 lessons ready to test
  • 7 lessons started, but incomplete
  • 8 lessons have not been started

January 1 2016

  • 18 to focus on
  • 4 lessons ready to test
  • 10 lessons started, but incomplete
  • 4 lessons have not been started

February 1 2016

  • 18 to focus on
  • 9 lessons ready to test
  • 8 lessons started, but incomplete
  • 1 lessons have not been started


  • 26 Tier 1 lessons
  • 14 lessons ready to test
  • 18 Q1 Focus lessons
  • 9 lessons ready to test

tl;dr or “I don’t like numbers”

We’ve tripled the number of lessons that are ready to test in the past two months (December and January). That’s halfway to our goal for our current focus! Also, that’s a little less than half for all Tier 1 lessons that we’re wanting to complete in Q1.

What’s Next?

What’s next is to knock out our remaining 9 in the focus set. Honestly, if we can get that done by the end of February or early March, then I think that might get us a testable workshop to offer around to groups for some trial runs.