Way back in 2014, when the make up of this team was a little different, it was suggested that we have screencasts to accompany each of the lesson plans. This was recently suggested again and it raised a lot of questions for us. Here are the big few that I saw/have been asking myself:
What is the Purpose of the Screencasts?
It would give us the chance to have a first pass at a lesson for accuracy and flow internally before it gets to testing. It will also be a good way for teachers to get an idea of the intended pacing of the lesson as they prep.
What Would This Screencast Look Like?
It would be a very rough run-through of any one lesson. From start to finish, a screencast would be the script and user-driven demo (that’s you, clicking through the actions described in the lesson) with no need for intro or exit language. So it would be your screen that we can see and your voice that we can hear.
Would It Replace the Need for Screenshots?
No, it wouldn’t. We could use the screencasts to get screenshots (possibly), but the screenshots will still be needed.
And my biggest question:
How Does This Fit in to Our Priority List?
There are a few ways this works in my mind:
- Given that the words are Must Have content, we could prioritize that over anything else and call screencasts a Nice to Have (as in, we can add it later).
- If we think we can use stills from the screencasts as screenshots, thus consolidating a little of our effort, we could call them a Should Have (as in, we can get through copyediting without them, but must have them before they are tested).
- If we think they are essential to the lessons, or we have scads of people waiting for something to do, then we can put together a little mini-task force just for making the screencasts.
I’m happy and willing to help us work through any of these options. Let’s discuss what we think is the best fit for our plans moving forward.
Group Pings: Beth, Chrissie, Christina, Courtney, Josepha, Julie, Kathy, Kim, Meaghan, Melinda, Michele, Mike, Scott, Tonia
Please also ping The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” anyone I missed in the comments!