The Lessons We Most Need

After quite a bit of number crunching (item 4) and testing plan outreach, I think it’s time for us to rethink how we plan which lessons to write. We started out Q1 with 45 lessons and too few hands to get them done before the end of March, so I’d like to suggest a new plan for us.

The Givens

First, re: Volume of lessons. Even if we were to average about 20 minutes per lesson, 45 lessons going at a speedy pace would take 15 hours to teach. This seems too long for a Getting Started workshop and maybe a little too much information for new users regardless.

Second, re: Testing the lessons. I got some generally held feelings from MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. organizers that each lesson isn’t necessarily long enough to allow it be tested individually. Some suggested it would be possible to use it as an intro to a larger topic, but then there was the question of how to get viable feedback from people who already know the content (a reasonable question).

The Solutions

I’d like to focus on groups of lessons at a time. I propose starting with:

  1. Feature Overview and Site Management units (14 lessons, 1/3 of the original total)…
  2. …with the intention of adding on installation (2 of 3 are complete)…
  3. …and intro to themes (1 of 3 are complete).
  4. Intro to plugins is already complete and needs one more round of testing to be ready for a workshop.

This way, we can lump things into units for testing and offer to groups as they become available. Two birds with one stone.

Your Thoughts!

I would love to hear any thoughts or concerns you have about this plan, or just a vote in favor or not if you have no thoughts in particular!

PostScript – The Lessons

These lessons are the six we are focusing on at the moment. Let us know in the comments if you’re working on one or need to ask for it to be reassigned!