Slack Log (Requires Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account)
- Welcome
- We had some new folks, so @bethsoderberg reminded us of the channel’s purpose (to make training materials for use in teacher-led classes) and today’s focus (Tier 1 progress and lesson amnesty)
- There are plans for four tiers that we will work on through the year.
- Updates on the Tier One lessons
- @melindahelt received feedback discussion on Akismet lesson which will be added this week
- @taupecat is still working on the ACF plan.
- @kimwhite is almost done with Managing Widgets.
- @torlowski will work on CF7 (plugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party) this week
- @judylw will add questions to the “what to do when you forget your password” lesson this week
- @chanthaboune merged the lessons from Workshops tab and Tiers tab (plus whatever Tier 1s lurked in the doc)
- Hopefully we can start using this one big list and then the other tabs will automatically pull the info over so we only have to update in one place.
- @kenshino (from the Support Team, yay!) also shared this link which holds some of the most asked questions in the Support Forums that categorizes users into 4 personas that might help with our future brainstorming.
- @chanthaboune requested anticipated dates of completion for any lessons that haven’t made it to testing
- If you have a lesson you’ve been working on, but isn’t complete yet, let us know below so we can count it!
- @torlowski mentioned that some lessons might be better suited to other subjects/categories than they are currently assigned to.
- These lessons are designed to be standalone and act as components for workshops, so that could definitely be the case.
- @dcole suggested some documentation around checking with hosts on how to connect domains.
- Some people may be setting up sites on a temporary domain, and need just a little nudge to help them connect that final piece to launch the site.
- Updates on copy editing
- @meaganhanes has is an update to Pages vs Posts for @c3zh to implement.
- @toniaslimm is trained on copyediting for the team (woohoo!)
- @bethsoderberg updated one of the two SupportFlow messages from last week
- We still need updates to the welcome wagon and welcome auto-responder
- Welcome Wagon – Currently @mikemueller and @ariwinokur reach out to new folks in the chats and train them
- Discuss the timeline as it stands ( and make any new updates
- 45 lessons total at the moment for Tier 1
- 5 lessons that are through round 1 of testing
- 5 lessons ready to test
- 7 lessons are started, but incomplete
- 14 lessons have not been started
- The list of lessons still available for authors to start on will be posted tomorrow so as not to overwhelm today’s thread. 🙂
- Lesson plan assignment audit (formerly known as status of abandoned plans)
- Questions on any other things
- Is there a lesson plan currently in the works for installing plugins from repo?
- Not yet. Pointing to the repo is fine.
- General reminder that these lessons should be standalone to be treated as components to mix/match into workshops as needed or defined.
- @codente is taking on an initial round of content auditing using the work that @mikemueller and @judylwh put together (celebrate!)
We had a lot to say! Don’t forget: If you have a lesson you’ve been working on, but isn’t complete yet, let us know below so we can count it!