Another Review-In: March 3, 2012

The community clamors for more and who are we to say no. That being said, we will be having another review-in on Saturday March 3, 2012.

Brings your coffee, your bacon, and your wits because as they say “two outta three ain’t bad” … so lets have some fun and take a run at the Theme Review Queues.

… and don’t forget to log into the IRC channel #wordpress-themes, too.

#review-queue, #review-in

WPTRT IRC Review-In: Saturday 28 Jan 11

As proposed by a few of the Theme Review Team members, the WPTRT will try something new tomorrow: an all-day IRC Theme Review-In!

As Amy Hendrix describes:

The model I have in mind is

  • This isn’t a meeting with an agenda: it’s a group work day. Drop in for as long as you’re available, and get as many reviews done as you can during that time.
  • The goal is to crunch through as much of the queue as possible while helping and learning from our peers.
  • All reviewers, however new or experienced, can bring questions about how to handle particular issues. Absolutely no penalties for admitting you’re stuck 😉
  • Themers, you’re welcome to join in the discussion, try your hand at reviewing, or just lurk and learn the process. However, please *don’t* use this time to ask about when your own theme will be done — we’re taking everything in queue order, and we’d most likely just encourage you to sign on to review a few themes.
  • For new or potential reviewers, more experienced people will try to help out as much as we can with getting started, working with tracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub., setting up your test environment and the like.

So, that’s our model. The “official” start time will be 1700 UTC / 12:00 noon EST; however, if you’d like to start earlier, please feel free! Whomever is available will hang out at the #wordpress-themes IRC channel. Our goal will be to clear out the Priority #2 queue entirely. (The Priority #2 queue currently stands at 100, so this is a very big goal! However, if every person with Theme-Trac ticket privileges completes one review, we will almost entirely wipe out the queue.)

We’ll see how this goes, and assuming it goes well, we will try to make these a regular occurrence.

Come and join us!
