Child Themes will now be considered for inclusion…

Child-Themes will now be considered for inclusion into the WordPress Extend Themes repository.

Note: Child Themes are not currently being considered for inclusion in WordPress Extend.

Please be sure to read the Theme Review process and guidelines; also, please note the additional Child-Theme guidelines before submitting a Child-Theme for consideration.

Please note, although at the time of this writing the upload script may note the Child-Theme “fails” as the criteria used for Child-Themes is slightly different. If the Child-Theme did actually pass you would see at the bottom of the upload acknowledgement page a reference to the new Themes TracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub. ticket as well as receiving an email referencing the ticket as well.

You will also be able to check the open status of the Child-Theme in this Trac report:

#child-theme, #child-themes, #guidelines