Keyboard navigation
- A Guide to Reviewing Themes for the WordPress Theme Repository by Chip Bennett
- Preliminary Theme Review Process by Emil Uzelac
- Prefix all the things by Justin Tadlock
- Most Common Admin Review Issues by Emil Uzelac
Theme Options/Data Security
- Using Sane Defaults in Themes by Chip Bennett
- Custom CSS boxes in themes by Justin Tadlock
- A Guide to Writing Secure Themes – Part 1: Introduction by Fränk Klein
- A Guide to Writing Secure Themes – Part 2: Validation by Fränk Klein
- A Guide to Writing Secure Themes – Part 3: Sanitization by Fränk Klein
- A Guide to Writing Secure Themes – Part 4: Securing Post Meta by Fränk Klein
- When And How To Escape Core Functions In WPORG Themes by Milana Cap
- List of functions that are escaped, from the WordPress Coding standardsWordPress Coding Standards The Accessibility, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, etc. coding standards as published in the WordPress Coding Standards Handbook. May also refer to The collection of PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) used to format and validate PHP code developed for WordPress according to the PHP coding standards..
- Customizer tutorials and documentation by Justin Tadlock
- Moving to the Customizer API from the Settings API, using Options API by Chip Bennett
Review Videos
- October 2016: Talking about escaping, validation and a few other things.
- November 2016: Translation for themes and repo guidelines.
- December 2016: Enqueuing scripts and stylesheets within WordPress and better practices for themes.
- January 2017: Tools for reviewing themes: Local environments and testing tools.
- February 2017: Hooks (Actions and Filters)
Licenses – Bundled Resources
- Proper Copyright/License Attribution for Themes
- Creative Commons Licenses
- Compatibility chart for GPL v2, v3 and LGPL
GPL-Compatible Image Licenses
These licenses are GPLGPL GPL is an acronym for GNU Public License. It is the standard license WordPress uses for Open Source licensing The GPL is a ‘copyleft’ license This means that derivative work can only be distributed under the same license terms. This is in distinction to permissive free software licenses, of which the BSD license and the MIT License are widely used examples. compatible and suitable for images:
- CC0
- CC BY 4.0
- CC-BY-SA 4.0 – Compatible with the GPLv3 only.
If the license is not listed here, then it’s not compatible:
Recommended websites (for images):
- Pexels Only CCO License, not the pexels licence.
- To find the license, click on the small link that says free to use. If the headline says “Legal Simplicity.” then the image uses the Pexels license. The limitations are listed in the second section.
- Smithsonian Open Access
Restricted websites:
The license agreement or terms on these websites are not compatible with GPL:
- adobe stock
- envato elements
GPL-Compatible Font Licenses
The GNU Foundation and the Fedora Project maintain lists of acceptable licenses for use with GPL.
Fonts bundled with Themes submitted to the WordPress Theme directory are required to be licensed under one of the following font licenses:
- Arphic Public License (Arphic)
- Baekmuk License (Baekmuk)
- Bitstream Vera License (Bitstream Vera)
- GNU GPL (with font exception) (GPL)
- GUST e-Foundry Font License/LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
- IPA Font License (IPA)
- Liberation Font License (Liberation)
- LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
- mplus Font License (mplus)
- ParaType Font License (PTFL)
- SIL Open Font License (OFL)
- STIX Fonts User License (STIX)
- Ubuntu Font License (UFL)
- Wadalab Fonts License (Wadalab)
- XANO Mincho Font License (XANO)
GPL-Compatible Icon Sets
Some compatible icon sets include the following:
- Genericons (GPL)
- Lullacons Pack #1 (GPL)
- GNOME Desktop Icons (GPL)
- Elegant Media Icons (GPL)
- Humility Icons (GPL)
- Flat For Linux (GPL)
- Ultimate GNOME Icons (GPL)
- Shrunk Pidgin Smilies (GPL)
- Twotiny Icons (GPL)
- Web Design Creatives (GPL)
- realistiK Reloaded (GPL)
- Carpelinx (GPL)
- DarkGlass Reworked (GPL)
- Lynx Black (GPL)
- KDE Crystal Diamond (GPL)
- Lifetime Social Networks (GPL)
- Social Media Icons from Elegant Themes (GPL)
- Font Awesome 3.0 (SIL Open-Font License)
- Entypo (SIL Open-Font License)
- Ligature Symbols (SIL Open-Font License)
- SocioCons (GPL)