Finding a theme to review

This is step 8 of our onboarding guide to becoming a reviewer

If you reached this page via the Theme Team’s blog, and you have not read the previous steps, please go to step one.

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1) Say Hello!

-We would love to meet you! If you haven’t already, come in and say hello to the other theme reviewers and contributors on Slack (#Themereview) .

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2) Learn about the review queue

So, what exactly is the review queue?

When a theme is submitted to the theme directory, the information is saved in a ticket system called TracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub. (Other contributing teams also uses their own Trac ticket systems).

-The ticket system is open to everyone. Everyone who visits can read the information, and everyone who is logged in with their The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. account can write messages.

Review queues, also known as reports, are lists of tickets that are sorted by the order they were submitted. The oldest ticket is at the top of the queue, and belongs to the theme that has waited longest.

Tickets can also have different status depending on if they have been reviewed before or not. When a theme has been added to the directory, the ticket status is set to “live” and the ticket is removed from the queue.

Learn more about Trac and the ticket formats:

This clip describes how to find the Trac pages, and an overview of the queues. To follow along, login to and open the front page of the Themes Trac in a new tab.

Select View Tickets and open report number two, New.

The New queue includes both tickets that are new and tickets that have been returned to the queue. Tickets can be returned to the queue if reviewers are not able to finish the review.

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3) Select your ticket

If you are at a contributor dayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus., your Team lead may have selected themes for you, please talk to them first.

  • Make sure that you are viewing the New queue.
  • Open the ticket that is at the top of the list by clicking the theme name or Ticket ID.

This clip describes the ticket format. It will show you where to see the ticket status, the name of the theme author, the link to the zip file and the ticket history.

First, scroll down to see if there are any comments on the Trac ticket. Comments are placed in a section called “Change History”.

If you see a comment that someone has started reviewing the theme, return to the queue and select theme number two on the ticket list, and so on.

Once you have found a theme, scroll down to the Add comment textarea and add a comment explaining that you will be reviewing the theme.

The theme is now reserved to you and you can start the review. Download the zip file and install the theme.

A moderator will assign the theme to you as soon as they have time, but this will not be immediate. You do not need to be assigned to do a theme review.

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