Theme Review Cycle Time

Theme Review: Cycle Time Trends

This chart represents an at-a-glance performance review regarding how quickly the Theme Review Team processes tickets.
Average Days to Close is the mean number of days between when a ticket was opened, and when it was closed, for all tickets closed each week. The number in parentheses is the overall average.
Average Days Open is the mean number of days since each ticket was opened for all tickets open at the time of each weekly report. The number in parentheses is the overall average.
Oldest is the number of days that the oldest open ticket has been open at the time of each weekly report. The number in parentheses is the overall average.
Average Days To Close: 1
Average Days Open: 1
Oldest: N/A

Theme Review Tickets Opened and Closed

Theme Review: Tickets Opened and Closed Trends

This chart represents an at-a-glance performance review regarding how well the Theme Review Team is keeping up with the number of Themes submitted each week.
Tickets Opened is the number of tickets opened each week. The number in parenthesis is the total number of tickets opened.
Tickets Closed is the number of tickets closed each week. The number in parenthesis is the total number of tickets closed.
Open Ticket Queue is the number of tickets open at the time of each weekly report. The number in parenthesis is the overall average.
Tickets Opened: N/A
Tickets Closed: ? Tickets Opened
Open Ticket Queue: N/A

Theme Review Closed Tickets

Theme Review: Closed Tickets Trends

This chart represents an at-a-glance review regarding disposition of closed tickets.
Approved is the number of tickets closed as approved each week. The number in parenthesis is the total number.
Not Approved is the number of tickets closed as not-approved each week. The number in parenthesis is the total number.
Newer Version is the number of tickets closed without review, due to a newer version of the Theme being uploaded. The number in parenthesis is the total number.
Ratio Approved is the percentage of tickets closed as approved, not including tickets closed as newer-version-uploaded.
Approved: N/A
Not Approved: N/A
Newer Version: N/A
Ratio Approved:50%

Theme Review Reviewers

Theme Review: Reviewer Trends

This chart represents an at-a-glance review regarding number of tickets closed by each reviewer.
[Reviewer Name] is the TracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub. username of each reviewer. The number in parenthesis is the total number of tickets closed. (Reviewers are listed in descending order of total # of tickets closed.)
# Tickets per Reviewer, weekly: 7
# of Reviewers: 10