Introducing new Themes Team representatives for the 2025

A few weeks ago, we opened a request for individuals interested in becoming team representatives to submit their nominations. Users could nominate themselves or tag someone they believed would be well-suited for the position.

The post generated numerous comments containing nominations, many of which mentioned the names of the 2024 team reps. After consulting with some of the previous and current team reps, we decided to continue with the current team reps. If anyone else wants to take ownership of anything specific, please message the channel and discuss it.

More help is always very welcomed. The more help the reps have, the more they can achieve.

Join me in congratulating them and expressing our best wishes for a successful tenure.

  1. Acosmin (@acosmin)
  2. Ganga Kafle (@kafleg)
  3. Shiva Shanker Bhatta (@shivashankerbhatta)


Acosmin is a WordPress developer and enthusiast. He published his first WP theme back in 2008, and since then, he has contributed in various capacities as a reviewer, developer, and team representative.

Extend Themes sponsors him to be a part-time reviewer.

You can reach him directly via WordPress SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at; his username is acosmin.

Ganga Kafle

Ganga Kafle (KafleG)

Ganga is a full-time sponsored WordPress contributor by Rank Math. He is from the beautiful country of Nepal and has been working as a WordPress contributor since 2012. He has attended many WordCamps and organized some as well. Besides WordPress, he loves to spend time with friends and family.

He is also one of the organizers for WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Asia 2025 and moderates WordPress-related Podcasts in Go With WP.

You can reach him directly via WordPress Slack; the username is kafleg.

Shiva Shanker Bhatta


Shiva Shanker Bhatta is the founder/CEO of AF Themes. He has over 10 years of experience in WordPress, including community, contributions, and development, focused on WordPress themes and plugins.

He had contributed (Organized/Contributors Day Lead) various National and International WordCamps.

You can reach him directly via WordPress Slack. His Slack username is shivashankerbhatta.

Thank you for taking on the responsibilities and keeping the tasks and team moving well.
