Meeting notes Tuesday October 13, 2020

Weekly Updates:

(the list includes both new tickets as well as updates too.
Current statistics can be found on

  • 264 tickets were opened
  • 268 tickets were closed:
  • 255 tickets were made live.
  • 30 new Themes were made live.
  • 225 Theme updates were made live.
  • 3 more were approved but are waiting to be made live.
  • 12 tickets were not-approved.
  • 1 ticket was closed-newer-version-uploaded.

Open Floor

  • Discussed moving the meeting time to an earlier time (see suggestion in the agenda comments). The suggestion generally received positive feedback from people in different timezones – including the Americas, Asia & Europe.
  • @joyously brought up the subject of quality control in premium themes, and how that is harmful to the WordPress ecosystem.
  • Feedback on this ticket for parsing theme readme files for the repository was requested: Getting information from the readme files would be the first step to start redesigning the themes repository and be able to build something, so this needs to happen before we can move forward.