Today we held a meeting with the proposed agenda. The recap of the meeting is below and you can read the meeting transcript in the slack archives (a Slack account is required).
Weekly Updates
In the past seven days
- 251 tickets were opened
- 250 tickets were closed:
- 230 tickets were made live.
- 15 new Themes were made live.
- 215 Theme updates were made live.
- 2 more was approved but are waiting to be made live.
- 20 tickets were not-approved.
- 0 ticket was closed-newer-version-uploaded.
We have managed to cut down on the queue length, which is always good news.
We thank to all the reviewers, keep doing a great job 🎉
Biweekly meeting schedule to Monthly meeting for Themes Team
Summer is closing in and we realised (and observed during the last few months) that having many meetings (regular, block Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. themes and triages) can be a bit tiring – both to the reps and to the contributors.
The proposal is to cut the Themes Team regular meeting to once a month plus an additional one if we have some urgent thing to discuss.
This will give us a bit more breathing room both to recharge and focus on priorities set by phase three of the core Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. editor development that are tied to the WordPress themes.
Open Floor
An issue was raised about Themes team not being a team anymore due to the lack of public discussions.
It was mentioned that the decisions are made and just announced.
This one is definitely on us (the reps). We should have been more tactful of how we presented the news (like changing the name of the team).
Team reps are always discussing and finding ways to improve this team’s impact in the WordPress community.
It’s hard to get noticed without active contributors, and in the last few years we have seen a decline in the active participants. To many authors theme repository is just one of the advertising avenues, which is disheartening.
One of the ways we wanted to spark the interest is to be involved with the core editor more, show that we are doing more than just review themes.
We definitely need to improve our transparency towards the community as team representatives. Writing more blogs about what we think would be a good way forward, and listening to advice and discussing them in the comments and then in the meetings.
What we do want to avoid are empty discussions that lead nowhere, as this is what kills the team. We need to adapt, change, and even innovate.
Andrea Middleton shared her experience from working in the Community Team:
In my observation, leading in the open is really difficult, and the process of learning how to do it effectively isn’t necessarily linear.
I’ve messed it up bunches of times — I think humans are just really prone to forming small groups, it helps us feel safe — and when it’s pointed out to me, I usually feel really dispirited and embarrassed.
For me, the best way to recover from that realization of “whoops, this conversation could/should have happened in the public channel” is to then go to the public channel and summarize the conversation there.
Andrea Middleton
It was also suggested that we should come up with a mission statement draft. Some goals that we as a team want to achieve.
This year we have put focus on Full Site Editing. We will continue working on preparing the community for the upcoming changes in the themes ecosystem.
Proofread by @williampatton
#meeting, #meeting-notes, #themes-team