Meeting Notes for Tuesday 12th November 2019

A meeting was held with the proposed agenda.

The following is the recap of the meeting, you can read the meeting transcript in the slack archives (a Slack account is required).


In the past seven days:

  • 352 tickets were opened
  • 354 tickets were closed:
    • 333 tickets were made live
      • 5 new Themes were made live
      • 328 Theme updates were made live
      • 3 more were approved but are waiting to be made live
    • 21 tickets were not-approved
    • 0 tickets were closed-newer-version-uploaded

Suspended themes submission

It was agreed that if the authors’ theme was suspended you cannot submit it again with a different name and account.

Theme Review Team Badge Assignment

We got the access to the badges so we are calling people to comment if they did the review so that we may give them the badges 🙂

They need to reply to the pinned slack message, and we’ll look at the reviews and decide: if someone did a poor, incomplete review, that we had to reopen for very basic issues, then no badges will be rewarded.

We need to check the review quality and dedication. A complete review is necessary in order to get the badge.

Get Ready for WordPress 5.3

Theme authors should get ready for the upcoming WP 5.3. You can read more in the make post.

If there will be any problems we encourage theme authors to contact us on slackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

Open floor

The ticket for the core to read the PHPPHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. version for themes was opened (and closed shortly after). The coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. themes were updated to move required fields to style.css instead of readme.txt.

The fields the theme authors should have in the style.css are

Requires PHP and Requires at least.

Core won’t be affected if those fields are in the style.css but your theme will benefit from having them, so we recommend authors adding them.

@aristath recommended using the code from Justin Tadlock’s theme for handling graceful failures:

The Theme SnifferTheme Sniffer Theme Sniffer is a plugin utilizing custom sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer that statically analyzes your theme and ensures that it adheres to WordPress coding conventions, as well as checking your code against PHP version compatibility. The plugin is available from GitHub. Themes are not required to pass the Theme Sniffer scan without warnings or errors to be included in the theme directory. is undergoing some updates and the release will be out soon. One of the changes will be the above validation – readme.txt will no longer be checked, only style.css will be checked.

#meeting, #meeting-notes, #trt