Theme Review Team Meeting Agenda for 11 June 2019

Theme review team usually conducts meetings on the second Tuesday and fourth Tuesday of the month. Second Tuesday in the month is the open floor and fourth Tuesday has a fixed agenda.
Due to the number of agendas that we need to discuss, we are going to conduct a second Tuesday meeting with fix agendas.

We encourage all members and anyone interested to attend.

Channel: #themereview | Time: Tuesday, 11th June 2019, 17:00 UTC

Agenda for Discussion

  1. What to do with legacy themes with readme files that don’t match the standard? – Proposed by @joyously
  2. Proposal to remove the TA program. – Proposed by @joyously
  3. Discuss possibilities and ramifications of removing closed tickets to make the name available. – Proposed by @joyously
  4. Suggestion to limit all links in a theme to the Theme URI and Author URI. This includes links to pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party recommendations, upsells, design services, etc. – Proposed by @greenshady
  5. Revisit/clarify if needed the stance that themes in the directory must be fully functional and complete. They cannot require plugins or users to write code to get a specific design. They must work as a standalone theme. This is meant to be an all-encompassing guideline to cover starters and other blank themes. – Proposed by @greenshady
  6. Demo content should be added using `add_theme_support( ‘starter-content’ )`. No extra .xml files with uncontrollable links or downloading unknown external content. – Proposed by @acalfieri
  7. Idea to create a council/group to judge individual issues (or grey areas) regarding themes. – Proposed by @bothera
  8. Team Lead Interest – We are looking for the replacement of our existing lead @acosmin.
  9. Open Floor

Meetings usually last around 60 minutes. If anyone wants anything else to add on the existing agenda comment below and I will try fit it in. Due to the high number of items to get through in the next meeting any additional items may be added to the agenda of the following meeting for discussion.

Additionally we are looking for a person with managment skills to help us get things done and to keep track of things that are in progress. If you have time to help out and management skills, or know anyone that does, let us know.

Discussion can be held in the comments below.
