TRT Projects

Theme review team is perceived as only managing the theme reviews (like the name suggests), but we are also involved with some other open sourceOpen Source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. and internal projects.

To easily manage and seeing them through, we’ve created a spreadsheet of all our projects and to do lists (credits go to @dingo_bastard).
We would like your opinion on the items presented in this document. You can find it here.

In the first sheet there is a list of agendas and projects that theme review team is managing, the second sheet has a list of maintainers – basically anyone who wants to contribute can add their name on the list. The third sheet is a list of suggestions – here you can pick a project and leave comments, what can be done, improved etc. and the last is just a project status column with a statistics count.

So, if you are interested in contributing or have an opinion, please leave a comment.