Meeting notes for 2017 November 14

Meeting [ link ]. A Slack account is needed to view the archives.
This weeks meeting would usually be open floor however there were several announcement to be made at this meeting as well. Changes detailed in the announcements are effective immediately.


  • New team lead hand-off has officially happened with @rabmalin and @thinkupthemes taking the position as the new team leads. Official handover date as November 1 2017.
  • Planned review weekend 18-19th November 2017
  • As a test run seasonal themes can be given priority in the queue as they require reviews in a timely fashion.

Following changes have been made to the review process:

  • Tickets can now be closed when 3+ distinct issues are identified.
  • Reviewers can now select themes to review from the top 5 positions of either queue 2 (parent themes) or queue 7 (child themes). Child themes will no longer appear in queue 2.
  • Authors are permitted to submit a maximum of 1 theme per month. This doesn’t change the 1 theme rule limit, authors are still only allowed to have 1 theme in the queue at any given time (i.e. child or parent). This is to prevent child themeChild theme A Child Theme is a customized theme based upon a Parent Theme. It’s considered best practice to create a child theme if you want to modify the CSS of your theme. authors from taking advantage of the likely future short wait times in queue 7.


  • At the end of the meeting some quick discussions took place about a few topics.
    Incentive reviewing – @acosmin provided a proposal on how this could be handled along with several suggested rules. At the moment no move is being taken regarding incentive reviewing.
  • Escaping – Attempts will be made to improve documentation surrounding escaping, why it’s necessary and what functions to use where.
  • Changes to featured themes tab in the directory – No changes were decided on but some people expressed that a better algorithm would be preferable on this tab.

#meeting-notes, #themereview