November Review Shindig

Let’s get pumped and psyched for our upcoming Review Shindig. If you are not familiar with this let’s get some background for you, yeah?

Every first weekend of the month we do a queue push where we try to review as many themes as we can. Please keep in mind that it is not just about numbers but we want to focus on quality reviews as well so don’t feel like you have to do 10 themes over the weekend.

There will be a livecast on the first day. This livecast is organized by @jcastaneda, @thinkupthemes, and @cristiano.zanca; this month’s livecast will focus around translation. The livecast is scheduled for November 5, 2016 1300UTC so set a reminder if you want to watch.

If you want to be a part of it there are somethings you may need.

We look forward to those who want to partake on this and welcome all on our #themereview channel.