Theme review team weekly meeting notes The logs…

Theme review team weekly meeting notes

The logs are here:

Points from meeting:

1. Directory survey:

  • We should reconsider our keywords in our roadmap. Can we automate them? Can we have people able to update them?
  • We need to do a survey just on tags.
  • We began talking about how we should improve the admin interface for those with themes on org. The UIUI UI is an acronym for User Interface - the layout of the page the user interacts with. Think ‘how are they doing that’ and less about what they are doing. needs to be more friendly. How can they manage their entire theme?

Actionables: @greenshady to think about tags and with me come up with survey suggestion. @grapplerulrich: to get an easy cull list of tags. Add to roadmap: tag survey, redoing tags, theme admin on org.

2. Review survey:

  • Documentation is an issue. Could this be a language issue?
  • We talked about setting expectations for review time. This could be added to the uploader intro we are going to think about adding licenses to.
  • Would partial reviews be a solution, or do they cause more issues and create a bad experience?
  • Auto approving updates can speed up queues.
  • More we automate the better our queues.

Actionables: @grappleulrich is moving the button to help with abandoned. v2 of the workflow will be put as post before our planning meeting on July 7th.

3. Using themes survey:

  • We should consider in our roadmap the preview.
  • @otto42 is working on the preview and we should support what he is doing. This will bring the customizerCustomizer Tool built into WordPress core that hooks into most modern themes. You can use it to preview and modify many of your site’s appearance settings. to the front end securely. The user can then change things.