Design challenge weekend learning sessions

We’re going to do some sessions in the lead up to the design challenge weekend. These will be done and then recorded to post on Each session will be no longer than an hour with a Q&A session.

So, what are they going to be?

First one is:

Mel Choyce (@melchoyce) is going to be talk on ‘Design principles for developers’. This will be on Thursday at 20:00 UTC.

“You don’t need a design background to make good design decisions. I’ll walk you through some basic design principles and how you can apply these to your themes, then we’ll chat about making better theme experiences for your users.”

The second one is:

Me, Tammie Lister (@karmatosed) giving an ‘Introduction to _s for designers’. This will be on Friday at 16:00 UTC.

“Lets get to know _s together. Find out how you can use it to give yourself a headstart using _s.”

After each session there will be a Q&A session in #themereview on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at Just before each session we’ll post the hangout link in Slack and also on this blog. We’ll then share the recorded link after.

Tomorrow I’ll post more about the design challenge weekend itself, lets do this!