Scroll bleed through and scroll position loss, view plugin details, iPhone 6+

When scrolling the pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party view details modal, the page beneath the modal scrolls. We’ve done some rounds of scroll bleedScroll bleed Sometimes when scrolling a modal such as the media modal on touch devices, the scrolling bleeds through to the page beneath the modal. Instead of scrolling the modal, the page beneath scrolls. Sometimes the scrolling nests and sometimes the page beneath grabs scrolling all for itself. Android doesn't usually have this problem, but iOS triggers it often. fixes. Perhaps time for another. The modal also stomps scroll position. After dismissing the modal, you’re back at the top.

#ios, #phablet, #plugins, #scroll-bleed, #web

Gallery edit bar doesn’t show, iPhone 6+

The gallery edit toolbar doesn’t show when the gallery is tapped.

Tapping, but nothing.

Tapping, but nothing.

Also, the image edit toolbar has visual glitches and is hard to tap. On first tap I usually get the copy menu. Second or third tap brings up the edit modal.

#editor, #galleries, #ios, #media, #phablet, #web

Damaged Image Details modal, Macnchrome, 4.2-alpha-31392

Noticed this today.

#chrome, #desktop, #macos, #media, #modal, #web

Caption changes are not reflected in the editor, Macnchrome, 4.2-alpha-31332

When you edit a caption, the edits are not reflected in the editor’s gallery embed. This induces distrust and anxiety. With every caption change, I either Update or Preview the post to verify the changes. Both require scrolling and losing my place. Because I don’t trust changes that don’t show in the editor, I’ll preview again before publish so I can scrutinize the captions. This is a worry pattern.

#captions, #chrome, #desktop, #editor, #galleries, #macos, #media, #web

Scrolling beneath modals, Nexus 5, iPhone 5, 4.1-alpha-20141002

The media modal, attachment details modal, and link modal all have scrolling problems on mobile/touch devices. The page beneath them scrolls, resulting in stacked scrolling and a bad experience.

Nexus 5 Media Modal:

Nexus 5 Link Modal:

Nexus 5 Attachment Details Modal:

iPhone 5, all three modals:

#android, #ios, #links, #media, #modal, #phone, #scroll-bleed, #web

Toolbar menus on touch devices, Nexus 5, 4.1-alpha-20140930

The toolbar has a couple of annoying UXUX UX is an acronym for User Experience - the way the user uses the UI. Think ‘what they are doing’ and less about how they do it. problems on touch devices.

First, submenus tend to become detached when scrolling.


Detached Visit Site submenu

Second, toolbar menus are difficult to dismiss. In the screenshot below, I want to be able to tap the dash icon again to close the menu. Instead it takes me to the dash. Tapping outside the menu works to dismiss, but there’s no safe place to tap. If I tap anywhere near the image I go to the image url. This is frustrating and discourages UIUI UI is an acronym for User Interface - the layout of the page the user interacts with. Think ‘how are they doing that’ and less about what they are doing. exploration. I can’t tap around without being directed to another screen.


Big menus make the problem worse.


To dismiss that menu without inadvertently following a link, you must tap + and then tap below that menu while avoiding images and links in the content below.

#android, #phone, #toolbar, #web

Visual record comparison: The medial modal on a Nexus 5, one month ago and today

One month ago

One month ago




#android, #media, #modal, #phone, #visual-comparison, #web

The Guises of B’ar, Nexus 5, 4.0-alpha-20140706

#android, #phone, #toolbar, #visual-survey, #web