I tested the patch proposed on #37661 on Windows Phone 10 with the Edge browser. Here’s a visual record of that experience:
Open the customizer Tool built into WordPress core that hooks into most modern themes. You can use it to preview and modify many of your site’s appearance settings., tap “change.”
Tap “see 10 themes.”
Scroll through the themes.
Tap a theme screenshot.
Tap the right arrow.
Tap the close icon.
Tap “
Filter Filters are one of the two types of Hooks https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Hooks. They provide a way for functions to modify data of other functions. They are the counterpart to Actions. Unlike Actions, filters are meant to work in an isolated manner, and should never have side effects such as affecting global variables and output. themes.”
Tap “featured.”
Tap “See 15 themes.”
Should this have scrolled back to the top instead of starting down the page? Scroll to top.
Tap “Filter themes.”
Tap Favorites.
Tap the username input.
Enter username, tap get favorites.
Tap see 12 themes.
Tap filter themes.
Tap feature filter.
Scroll through list, tap on some features.
Tap see 294 themes.
Tap theme screenshot.
Tap install.
Installing… tap close icon.
Installed. Tap Filter themes.
Scroll up.
Tap search input.
Enter a search, tap see 7 themes.
Tap live preview.
Tap preview.
The biggest potential fixes I found were to show a loading indicator in the filters (next to the theme count button in the header The header of your site is typically the first thing people will experience. The masthead or header art located across the top of your page is part of the look and feel of your website. It can influence a visitor’s opinion about your content and you/ your organization’s brand. It may also look different on different screen sizes.?) when a new filter is loading, and to scroll the themes container to the top whenever a new section is opened or a search/filter is changed (which should be happening, but isn’t).
I should also note that since it is impossible to reorder images in galleries with Chrome on laptops that support touch, see #31652, I had to go to the text editor to fix one that jumped out of order when creating this post.
#customize, #customizer, #edge, #phone, #shiny-updates, #visual-record, #windows-phone
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