Editor, Media, iOS app: Can’t delete images with backspace

These screenshots show an attempt at deleting an inserted screenshot from content via backspace. A screencast would demonstrate this better, but here’s a captioned gallery.

This happens more often than not.

Version: Current iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. betaBeta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process..

#app, #editor, #images, #ios, #media, #phablet, #visual-bug-report

Editor, Video: video player controls hidden behind editor toolbar, iPhone 6+

The bottom image in this screenshot is a video. The player controls are obscured by the editor toolbar.   
You can view the controls by scrolling…


However, as soon as you release the swipe the video controls elastic bounceback back behind the editor toolbar. Capturing that screenshot required holding a finger on the screen while pressing home and lock at the same time.

#app, #editor, #elastic-bounceback, #ios, #phablet, #video, #visual-bug-report

Media, Editor: Image captions containing <— are truncated, Macnchrome

With 4.3-beta4-33463.

#4-3, #beta, #captions, #chrome, #editor, #macos, #media, #needs-ticket, #visual-bug-report, #web

Posts list: Double entry in post list after publishing, iOS app beta, iPhone 6+

I not always but often see double entries in the blogs list free publishing a post. Forcing a refresh clears the extra entry.

#app, #beta, #ios, #phablet, #posts-list, #visual-bug-report