Image rotation and editing, mobile vs. desktop

Images uploaded from my phone via Press This or post-new.php seem oriented as I wish when viewed from a phone.

When viewed from desktop, they look like this.

After rotating them in WP’s editor, they show correctly in the image details modal.

But they still show incorrectly in the editor and on the front page.

This happens to me often. I’ve learned not to trust images uploaded from mobile or the image editor.

4.2-beta4-31998 on Macnchrome and iPhone 6+.

#4-2, #desktop, #image-editor, #image-rotation, #ios, #macos, #media, #mobile, #phablet, #sideways

Visual survey of dismissable admin notices

Auditioning 31233.13.diff for #31233.

#4-2, #desktop, #mobile, #patch-testing

Damaged Image Details modal, Macnchrome, 4.2-alpha-31392

Noticed this today.

#chrome, #desktop, #macos, #media, #modal, #web

Caption changes are not reflected in the editor, Macnchrome, 4.2-alpha-31332

When you edit a caption, the edits are not reflected in the editor’s gallery embed. This induces distrust and anxiety. With every caption change, I either Update or Preview the post to verify the changes. Both require scrolling and losing my place. Because I don’t trust changes that don’t show in the editor, I’ll preview again before publish so I can scrutinize the captions. This is a worry pattern.

#captions, #chrome, #desktop, #editor, #galleries, #macos, #media, #web

Focus and elastic bounce back, Macnchrome

When I ballistic scroll to the bottom of the editor while focused, the editor scrolls up once I hit bottom, evidently to make room for showing any metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. boxes beneath the editor in the event of an unfocus. The mouse ends up exiting and reentering the editor when the elastic bounce back animation does its thing. This causes an unfocus/focus flicker. It’s pretty annoying when you’re moving up and down a document a lot. Perhaps not a common flowFlow Flow is the path of screens and interactions taken to accomplish a task. It’s an experience vector. Flow is also a feeling. It’s being unselfconscious and in the zone. Flow is what happens when difficulties are removed and you are freed to pursue an activity without forming intentions. You just do it.

Flow is the actual user experience, in many ways. If you like, you can think of flow as a really comprehensive set of user stories. When you think about user flow, you’re thinking about exactly how a user will perform the tasks allowed by your product.Flow and Context
, but one I get into all the time when doing live note taking for the dev meetings.

Note also that the editor controls shift down a bit when scroll reaches the bottom, leaving a strip of white space above the controls.

#chrome, #desktop, #editor, #elastic-bounceback, #focus, #macos

The Guises of B’ar, Mac’n’Chrome, Single Site

#chrome, #desktop, #macos, #toolbar, #visual-survey, #web