Toolbar survey with 32678.5.diff, iPhone 6+

Compare with the production toolbar on an iPhone 6+.

For #32678. 4.3-alpha-33003 with 32678.5.diff applied. Single site install. Logged in as an Administrator.


  • The top-level icons are smaller here than in production. I prefer the larger production icons. There is also some misalignment.
  • In the admin, the W menu retains active highlight when the admin menu is expanded even when other toolbar menus are open and active.
  • With the W menu open on the front page, tap the Customize icon. Once in the customizerCustomizer Tool built into WordPress core that hooks into most modern themes. You can use it to preview and modify many of your site’s appearance settings., navigate back using browser back history. Both the W menu and Customizer have active highlight. Dismissing the Customizer with X instead of back history doesn’t trigger this, of course. Edge case.

#32678, #4-3, #beta, #ios, #phablet, #toolbar, #visual-survey, #web

Toolbar visual survey, 4.3-alpha-33003, Mac and Chrome

For #32678. Single site install. Logged in as an Administrator.

#32678, #4-3, #beta, #chrome, #desktop, #macos, #needs-captions, #toolbar, #visual-survey

Site Icons (Settings) Screenshots

#16434, #4-3, #beta, #chrome, #macos, #options, #settings, #site-icons, #web

Toolbar survey, iPhone 6+

For #32678.

Single site 4.3-alpha-32976 as an Administrator.

MultisiteMultisite Multisite is a WordPress feature which allows users to create a network of sites on a single WordPress installation. Available since WordPress version 3.0, Multisite is a continuation of WPMU or WordPress Multiuser project. WordPress MultiUser project was discontinued and its features were included into WordPress core. 4.3-alpha-32976 as an Administrator, no Super Admin.

Needed: shots with comment notification and updates in the toolbar.

#32678, #4-3, #beta, #ios, #phablet, #toolbar, #visual-survey, #web

Today in the Nightly: Inline link toolbar and Press This split button

Here are two cool things that recently landed in trunk and are available right now in the nightly build. Install the nightly. Try them.

Inline Link Toolbar

Being able to visit links straight from the editor means no more copy paste into the browser’s location bar. Nice. Also nice is being able to see the link without popping up the link modal.

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 1.04.59 AM

One time I tapped X thinking it would dismiss the toolbar.

One time I tapped X thinking it would dismiss the toolbar.

To test, visit the editor and click/tap into a link. The link toolbar will appear. If it does not, try forcing a browser refresh (Shift+Reload in Chrome on Mac OS). Provide feedack on  #32604 or in #core-customize or in reply to this post. Check out this make/flow post for more visuals.

Press This split button

Draft, preview, and standard editor are now in a split button with Publish.

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 1.39.13 AMpress_this_with_split_button_on_iphone_6_



To test, go to the Tools menu and check out the Press This section at the top. Provide feedback on #32757 or in #core-pressthis or in reply to this post.

#4-3, #editor, #link-toolbar, #links, #press-this, #today-in-the-nightly, #visual-comparison

Inline link toolbar, Mac and Chrome, iPhone 6+

With 4.3-alpha-32949. For #32604.

Being able to visit links from within the editor means no more cut-and-paste. Love it. Seeing the link without having to pop up the modal is also nice.

Mac and chrome:

iPhone 6+:

#32604, #4-3, #beta, #chrome, #editor, #ios, #link-toolbar, #links, #macos, #safari, #visual-survey, #web

A visual survey of list tables with 32395.5.diff, iPhone 6+

Testing #32395.

  • Media lib shows some span markup
  • Sometimes expand/collapse is a little slow, ending up in double taps.
  • The tap target seems a good size. Very thumb tappable.
  • Plugins doesn’t disclose any additional info.

#32395, #4-3, #beta, #comments, #ios, #list-tables, #media, #pages, #phablet, #plugins, #posts, #users, #visual-survey, #web

A visual survey of list tables on an iPhone 6+

With 4.3-alpha-32930.

#4-3, #beta, #comments, #ios, #list-tables, #media, #phablet, #plugins, #posts, #safari, #taxonomy, #users, #visual-survey, #web