Test Chat Summary: 4th December 2024

On Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 07:00 PM GMT+3, <test-chat> started in #core-test facilitated by @krupajnanda. The agenda can be found here.

1. Attendance 

@krupajnanda, @noruzzaman, @sainathpoojary, @ankitkumarshah, @sarthaknagoshe2002, @oglekler, @mayanktripathi32, @shanemuir, @sirlouen, @narenin (async), @lumiblog (async), and @hage

2. Looking for Volunteer

  • December 11: Test Triage Facilitator: Volunteers Needed
  • December 18: Test Chat Meeting Facilitator: Volunteers Needed 
  • December 18: Test Chat Meeting Recap Notes: Volunteers Needed

3. Announcements 📣

4. Test Team Updates

5. Focal Group Updates

The members reported no updates.

6. Questions/Blockers

No questions/blockers were reported by the members.

7. Open Floor

@sirlouen mentioned that he had been thinking about testing reports after following several conversations in TracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub.https://core.trac.wordpress.org/.. He expressed curiosity about the extent to which developers appreciate such reports, noting that he had observed developers re-testing and commenting on information that was already clear in the reports.

@oglekler suggested that sometimes the reports might lack sufficient information and proposed that improvements could be made by ensuring all possible test cases are accounted for and explicitly checked.

@sirlouen wondered if they should inquire what information developers find useful or if the reports might be too convoluted, leading developers to disregard them.

@krupajnanda added that it would be important to observe if this pattern was specific to certain tickets owned by the same developer or spread across different developers. If so, improvements to the parameters shared in the reports would be necessary.

@sirlouen concluded by stating that he would monitor and log these occurrences over time to gather precise information, acknowledging that this behaviour might only apply to a few developers and that he wasn’t following all categories of reports.

8. Next Meeting 🗓

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 07:00 PM GMT+3, held on #core-test!


Thank you, @krupajnanda, for the peer review and for helping me write this post. 

Are you interested in helping write Test chat summaries like this one? Volunteer at the start of the next <test-chat> and earn some props!
