On Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 02:00 PM GMT+3, <test-chat> started in #core-test facilitated by @krupajnanda. The agenda can be found here.
1. Attendance
@jigar9998, @hage, @sumitbagthariya16, @webtechpooja, @lumiblog, @noruzzaman and @krupajnanda
2. Looking for Volunteer
- October 29: Test Triage Facilitator : Volunteers Needed
- November 5: Test Chat Meeting Facilitator: Volunteers Needed
- November 5: Test Chat Meeting Recap Notes: Volunteers Needed
3. Announcements 📣
4. Test Team Updates
5. Focal Group Updates
No updates were reported by the members.
6. Questions/Blockers
No questions/blockers were reported by the members.
7. Call for Testers/Visibility
8. Open Floor
@hage requested clarification on whether issue #65242 still requires further investigation. @krupajnanda acknowledged the query and committed to looking into it, promising to provide feedback soon.
9. Next Meeting 🗓
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 11.00 UTC, held on #core-test!
Are you interested in helping write Test chat summaries like this one? Volunteer at the start of the next <test-chat> and earn some props!
Thank you, @krupajnanda, for the peer review and for helping me write this post.
#meeting-notes, #summary