The goal of Gutenberg is to simplify the creation of rich pages and posts in WordPress by replacing old custom HTML HTML is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a markup language that is used in the development of web pages and websites., CSS CSS is an acronym for cascading style sheets. This is what controls the design or look and feel of a site., and shortcodes with native Blocks. Gutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. development is moving fast right now and there are a few general areas which could use extra help with testing.
If you are here to help, thank you so much! To triage issues that have been reported by others, use the steps for testing bugs in the make/test handbook as a good starting place and guideline. To test in general, see the lists below for ideas about what to test and then either file an issue, post a comment here, or mention your findings in #core-test on WordPress Slack. All testing is welcome!
Some general areas that need testing are:
- Everything in the
Needs Testing
label. Use the steps for testing bugs. 😊 - RTL languages.
- Roles/Capabilities.
- Undo/Redo.
Areas that need testing from a developer perspective:
- Everything in the
Needs Technical Feedback
label. 😊 Backwards Compatibility
Testing ideas to help you get started:
- Switch to an RTL language and try adding as many different types of blocks as possible.
- Switch to an RTL language and test all of the sidebar A sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. It is not always a vertical column on the side. It can be a horizontal rectangle below or above the content area, footer, header, or any where in the theme. settings such as categories, tags, changing the publish date, etc.
- Create and schedule a new post. Try from a different role.
- Create and publish a post with several different blocks using the Editor role.
- Create and publish a post with several different blocks using the Author role.
- Create and submit a post with several different blocks using the Contributor role.
- Add a pending post as one user and try to approve it as another user.
- Edit the demo post, make changes, undo and redo the changes as you go.
- Edit a page and try making changes and then undoing the changes.
- Publish a post with a block Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. type you haven’t used before yet.
- Developers: reach out to those with questions at
Needs Technical Feedback
and chime in if you can confirm a bug or give an alternate code-related solution to a help request. ❤️ - If you have an idea about something else to test, add it in the comments!
If you find a new bug, please file it in gutenberg
on GitHub. Thank you!
If you are new to testing Gutenberg, the first thing you’ll want to do is get setup for testing with one of the following options:
The stable release is the easiest to test and the local dev env is a bit more technical. Testing any of these will be a great option at this stage. Choose whichever works well for you! If you’re not sure which one to pick, ask and someone will help. 🤓
Any questions? Please ask here or in #core-test on WordPress Slack any time! We would love to see you there.
#call-for-testing, #gutenberg