I had difficulties finding out how to join the Android beta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process. program. make/mobile contains no mentions of beta testing other than links to the G+ community page in call for testing posts. I never use G+. After crossing the G+ log in threshold and the community join request threshold, I required several minutes of clicking around to find the beta testing instructions. Exasperated by the absurd experience, I copied the instructions to a new testing section of the handbook to move them out from behind the G+ sign in and make them somewhat discoverable.
Here’s a step-by-step visual record for joining the Android app beta program starting from a link on a call for testing post on make/mobile.
Start on make/mobile. Scroll down.
Tap Goole Plus beta community.
I happened to be logged in to G+. If I wasn’t, log in manipulations would go here. Tap Ask to Join.
Tap No Thanks
I went to get coffee, came back 30 minutes later, refreshed, and saw…
I’m a member. Scroll down.
Tap the opt-in link
Tap Become a Tester
Scroll down
At this point, wait. Periodically check the play store for the update.
There’s the update. Tap Update.
What’s new shows the beta release.
Update installed. Tap Open.
Enter password
Tap Sign in
If using 2FA, enter the code and tap Verify
Signed in and ready to blog.
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