- WordPress 4.2.2
- Old menus admin screen (to be compared with Menu Customizer Tool built into WordPress core that hooks into most modern themes. You can use it to preview and modify many of your site’s appearance settings.)
- Windows Phone 8.1, IE11 Mobile (only browser allowed on this device)
- Testing on an actual site whose menu I actually needed to make a couple edits to… because why not 🙂
Open site (logged in). Tap dashboard icon.
Tap Menus.
Menus page loads. The menu I want to edit is selected. Scroll down to the menu.
Trying to delete “Big Buddies”. Tap on it. Nothing Happens. Try zooming out.
Tap on the arrow for the item I want to delete.
After a delay, it opens. Tap remove.
The menu item is deleted. Now need to add a new item. Scroll up.
The item I need to add is a post. Tap posts.
Tab the checkbox for the item I want to add.
Tap add to menu.
Loading indicator, then stops. Scroll down.
Item is at the bottom of the menu. While scrolling, hierarchy and positioning is messed up for several items at the bottom of the menu. Need to drag it up.
Try dragging the new item up. It needs to be a sub-item of “PSWC”, which is much higher up the screen, just out of view. It lands three items up. Repeatedly try dragging it up higher with various techniques, no luck. Look around for another way to move items. Try tapping the arrow icon again.
Tap “up one”.
Item moves up, continue tapping up one several more times.
More up one. Eventually get to top and move “under PSWC”.
Scroll back down, need to cleanup broken hierarchy from trying to scroll earlier. Tap arrow icon.
Tap “under Environmental”.
Tap arrow for the Geotech item.
Tap out from under environmental
Tap to close the menu items (2 taps).
Look for save button. Scroll up, then down all the way.
Tap save menu.
Tap home icon.
Tap visit site.
Site loads. Tap menu icon.
Item was successfully remove. Scroll down.
Item successfully added, messed up items successfully restored to correct positions.
#4-2, #customize, #customizer, #flow-comparison, #menus, #mobile, #phone, #visual-comparison, #winphone
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