Redirect *

It’s time for The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. to cease executing bbPressbbPress Free, open source software built on top of WordPress for easily creating forums on sites. This is the final component on running bbPress 1.x that I’m aware of. It’s not PHP8 compatible.

The mobile forums were deactivated a year ago, and the locale forums 7 years ago.

I’d personally like to simply remove the forums role and the subdomain entirely, but that’ll break any old links that still remain. For now, can we just cease loading bbPress and instead…

In r20481-dotorg I’ve added a new file, index.php to the forums public_html.

Can we please:
1. Change the root to be ..../public_html/ instead of referencing ..../public_html/bbpress/
2. Remove all bbPress rewrite rules from, replacing it with a singular rule that directs all traffic to public_html/index.php
3. Add a DNSDNS DNS is an acronym for Domain Name System - how you assign a human readable address to a website’s exact numeric coded location (ie. uses the actual IP address A/CNAME entry for (Apparently this doesn’t have a DNS entry)

#bbpress #nginx #prio2